This interactive workshop presented by Melody Noll will examine a platform for speaking openly and honestly. "The Focused Conversation" is drawn from The Technology of Participation and is rooted in theories of how people process information.
It is a practical model for guiding interactions that purposefully moves participants through a series of carefully planned open-ended questions.
Through The Focused Conversation approach you will gain an understanding that:
Provides non-hierarchical forms of deep communication
Uncovers the often unexpressed needs of individuals and groups
Facilitates non-violent conflict resolution
Can be adapted to a wide range of contexts
Melody Noll
Melody is trained in Way of Council, The Technology of Participation, Mediation as a Second Language, conflict coaching, and mediation.
Melody teaches "Oral Communication Skills for Mediation and Conflict Resolution" to international students at U.C. Berkeley, hosts local wisdom circles, and facilitates workshops for groups looking to build consensus, team work and understanding.
DATE & TIMES: Tuesday, February 6, 6-8 pm
COST: CB Members, $25 | General Public, $45
LOCATION: JAMS, 2 Embarcadero Center
This mediation clinic is one in a series of monthly clinics sponsored by Community Boards.