Please join the Energy Futures Initiative (EFI) for a virtual public workshop: Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage: Sowing the Seeds of a Negative-Carbon Future.

WHEN: Wednesday, March 16, 1:303:00 p.m. Eastern Time
(10:30 a.m.12:00 p.m. Pacific Time) 
Special Remarks
30th and 32nd Secretary of Agriculture,
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Featured Speakers
13th Secretary of Energy;
 CEO & Founder,
Energy Futures Initiative
Principal and Executive Vice President,
Energy Futures Initiative
Climate scientists have identified carbon removal as central to addressing the climate crisis. Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) provides a potential solution—but it is uncertain how viable it could be as a sustainable and economic carbon removal method.
Our workshop will dive deep into the potential of BECCS to help us achieve the U.S. goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by midcentury.
Expert panels will focus on (1) feedstock and forestry issues for making BECCS a sustainable and viable climate solution and (2) addressing environmental justice concerns for BECCS plants and infrastructure. You’ll also hear the first public presentation of EFI’s BECCS literature review, "Surveying the BECCS Landscape" (published in January 2022), which sets the stage for understanding BECCS challenges and opportunities.
Panel 1 - Making BECCS a Sustainable and Viable Climate Solution 
Assistant Professor of Cooperative Extension,
UC Berkeley
Associate Professor of Public Administration, School of International & Public Affairs,
NC State
Distinguished Scientist, Climate Change Science Institute,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Research Associate,
Energy Futures Initiative
Panel 2 - BECCS Implications for Local Communities: Justice & Development
Former Governor,
State of Colorado
Associate Professor, Earth, Environmental, & Geographical Sciences Department,
Northern Michigan University
Associate Professor,
University of Georgia Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources
Associate Professor, School of International Service,
American University
About the Energy Futures Initiative

The Energy Futures Initiative (EFI) advances solutions to the climate crisis through building coalitions, thought leadership, and science-based analysis. Under the leadership of Ernest J. Moniz, EFI analysis is published and publicly available on our website: