Greater Grand Rapids Womens History Council
  P.O Box 68874, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-8874                       Phone: 616-574-7307


August 25, 2013
GGRWHC Board of Directors

Falinda Geerling,
Cindy Dorman,
 Vice President
Ruth VanStee,
Connie Ingham
Janet Brashler
Jo Ellyn Clarey
Susan Coombes
Gayle Davis
Sharon Hanks
Kyle Irwin
Mary Jane Keeler
Jef McClimans
Jennifer Morrison
Kathy Rent
Mary Seeger
Ruth Stevens
Jill Straub
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Celebrating Estelle Leven on Women's Equality Day


 with Shelley Irwin on the WGVU Morning Show




Celebrate the 93rd anniversary of the Nineteenth Amendment tomorrow by celebrating the life of Grand Rapids visionary Estelle Leven, who passed away last Friday. Over the course of her 90 years Leven became a worthy descendant of early social activists who worked for equal voting rights and an equal chance for all citizens to exercise their gifts fully. Find more about Estelle Leven below. Funeral services will be held Monday, August 26th, at 11 a.m. at Temple Emanuel (1715 East Fulton). 


WGVU Morning Show with Shelley Irwin!

If you can't attend the memorial service, honor Leven by tuning in to 88.5 or 95.3 FM at 10:45a.m. Learn why it is appropriate to remember Leven on Women's Equality Day, the anniversary of the certification of the Nineteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. On August 26th, 1920, women made up the largest group suddenly enfranchised on all levels: local, state, and national. Winner of multiple broadcast awards, Shelley Irwin will also talk with a representative from the GGRWHC about the continuum of local women who were part of the long push before and following 1920.

If you attend Estelle Leven's funeral at 11a.m. you can link to the Morning Show broadast later at


Nearly fifteen years ago, the GGRWHC featured Estelle Leven as an educator, citizen, and model for younger women. Our title? "Community Catalyst and Visionary." Read here about the panoply of community organizations Leven founded or supported, including the World Future Society in West Michigan: Estelle Leven.


Not a current member of GGRWHC? Membership is easy
and helps offset the expenses associated with research and programming presented each year. Your membership helps to set the record straight on the women who've made history here in our community.

GGRWHC Board Meetings

Board meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm at the Vanderveen Center for the Book at the Grand Rapids Public Library. If you have suggestions for programs, oral histories or other items, please email us at or plan to attend a meeting.


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Thank you for your interest in preserving and celebrating the history of the many phenomonal women who've helped to shape West Michigan!  If you aren't already a member of the Greater Grand Rapids Women's History Council, consider showing your support through annual membership.  Visit our web site for more information and the ability to register using Pay Pal online!

Hats off to the historical women who've shaped West Michigan!