The purpose of the Government Domain is to mobilize Christians to create a culture of community involvement in the political process in our city, state, and nation.
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November 1, 2021


The headline in the October 30 Arizona Daily Star read: “Wage surge biggest in 20 years”. The reason -- the free market system does work. The only thing government intervention does is throw a monkey wrench into the ecology of economics.

At the same time that lowest paid workers are experiencing the biggest gains. A special interest group is throwing a monkey wrench into Tucson’s economic ecology with Prop 206 that Tucson City voters will decide in tomorrow’s City of Tucson’s election ballot.

Prop 206 touts raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour. If that was truly what Prop 206 is really about, the language could have been spelled out in 1 paragraph, not 6 pages of unneeded and burdensome regulations. It’s those regulations that will undoubtedly stifle entrepreneurs from starting their own business while reducing unemployment for workers entering the job market for the very first time.  

Prop 410 is also on the Tucson ballot and it is simply worded and easy to understand. It just proposes raising the pay for the Tucson Mayor and Council. The choice is yours.
There are also elections for Tucson City council members in Wards 3, 5 and 6.
Use this link for a pdf of ballot drop off locations. Your vote counts.

Understanding the principles of good government is the cornerstone in maintaining our republic. This Thursday November 4th and next Thursday November 11th starting at 7pm, 4Tucson’s Piet and Mary Van de Mark will be hosting Patriot Academy Classes on Zoom that focus on the L.I.F.T. principle:

  • Limited Government
  • Individual Liberty
  • Free Market
  • Traditional Value

Get the whole family together, make some popcorn and be blessed by these free classes. Register below in this newsletter.

“...if the citizens neglect their Duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the Laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizen will be violated or disregarded”.
Noah Webster

Paul Parisi
Director-Government Domain 
Upcoming Opportunities

Equipping Christians to be salt and light by working to bring Godly values back to our American culture.

Any church can easily establish a ministry that can come alongside the pastor to Inform, Equip, Alert & Mobilize both pastors and congregations on the culturally-relevant issues of the day. This non-partisan initiative provides vast knowledge, training, and informational resources that promote good government according to Biblical principles, and without any political party affiliation.

Inform, Equip, Alert & Mobilize Your Church

Volunteers are needed to serve in the 4Tucson Government Domain "Call to Action Team". As a member, you will receive email alerts on pending legislation and government action that we will respond to by writing letters, emails, phone calls, speak at meetings, or by utilizing the Legislatures "Request to Speak" system. 
Training will be provided as needed.
Here are a couple of ways you can help with our domain processes:
  • Volunteer needed as Social Media Coordinator.
  • Ask your pastor if 4Tucson can have a voter registration table at your church.
  • Attend 4Tucson educational classes.
  • Pray for our leaders.
Contact for more information and how you can be involved in city transformation.
Other Information
Click on the following links for updating your voter registration:
  • Have you moved? Click HERE
  • Changed your name? Click HERE
  • Never registered to vote? Click HERE to register today
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Use your partner card ID# when registering online for all 4Tucson events and save 10% off the registration. Use these links below if you need to become a partner, if you want to visit the 4Tucson website to discover more about us, or if you would like to make a one-time or recurring donation.