Question & Answer Session
with JewishColumbus' Medical Taskforce
Join Dr. Dan Cohen and Dr. Andy Wapner for a Zoom call
Tonight, March 18
8:00 PM
On Zoom
Limited to the first 100 participants
Dr. Dan Cohen is the Associate Director of Emergency Medicine at Nationwide Children's Hospital and an Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at The Ohio State University College of Medicine.
Andy Wapner, DO, MPH is the Director of the Center for Public Health Practice (CPHP), the Director of the Master of Public Health Program for Experienced Professionals and a Clinical Assistant Professor of Public Health in the Ohio State College of Public Health (CPH).
Meeting ID: 614 237 7686

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+13126266799,,6142377686# US (Chicago)
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Please wait until 8pm to join, as the Zoom call will NOT be open prior to then.
We are here for you and if you know someone in need, please contact:

Joel Marcovitch , JewishColumbus CEO at


Karen Mozenter , Jewish Family Services CEO at 

Let us be here for each other because this is how we make a difference.