1. Join the National Notary Association (NNA) The NNA is the industry standard for obtaining your Notary Signing Agent (NSA) certification. The NNA also provides resources for getting bonded and insured, purchasing notary supplies, and depending on the training courses you purchase, they even offer a free listing in their SigningAgent.com directory.
  2. Join a Notary Directory: Notary Jane Well, since you’re here, you’ve heard of us! As a national notary directory, we offer annual memberships that provide you with a professional online profile so those searching for a notary in your area can find you.
  3. Other Directories: There are other directories available that you can join. Do your reseach to see which one(s) makes the most sense for your business.
  4. Check out SnapDocs: You can register as a notary and receive signings right through their system. Many signing companies are turning to platforms such as this so they can manage everything in one system.
  5. Post regularly to your social media business accounts
  6. Get a Google My Business listing
  7. Create a website
  8. Join a Facebook Group:Notary & Signing Agent Network” is highly recommended. For newbies, “Safe Haven for New Notaries” is a fabulous group of notaries who will answer questions without judgment.
  9. Stay organized with Notary Assist and Notary Gadget
  10. Learn, grow and network: Read books and blogs, join associations and directories to stay on top of opportunities to promote yourself.