NBCRNA Research: 5 Updates to Know
July 2019
As part of its focus on research, the NBCRNA will provide ongoing updates about the activities
and projects of the Evaluation and Research Advisory Committee.
The NBCRNA understands that research and technologies will continue to impact your CRNA practice in various ways over the coming years. Through the work of the Evaluation and Research Advisory Committee (ERAC), the NBCRNA is leveraging today's technologies and research to continue to develop the evaluation of the current NBCRNA credentialing programs, and investigation of the question: What is the best way to assess knowledge and competence over time in CRNA practice? This work will further strengthen and best position the CRNA profession for the future in today's sometimes-uncertain and ever-changing health care landscape.

In this Newsletter Issue - Top 5 Research Updates to Know
  1. New! Doctoral Research Topics Resource
  2. New! Visiting Research Fellowship - Apply by August 20
  3. NBCRNA Research Poster and Presentation at AANA Annual Congress
  4. Two New Research Subcommittees Formed: Simulation, Methods to Assess Competence
  5. What are Logic Models and Why are We Using Them?

Keep up-to-date - View regular updates on NBCRNA's Research webpage
Doctoral Students:
New Research Topics Resource
The NBCRNA announces a new resource for DNP/DNAP/PhD candidates. In response to requests by the CRNA community, the NBCRNA Evaluation and Research Advisory Committee has developed a list of Research Topics related to CRNA continuing education, certification, and recertification intended to serve as a resource for anesthesia students and practicing CRNAs who are seeking a Doctorate in Philosophy (PhD), Nursing (DNP), or Nurse Anesthesia Practice (DNAP).

Find out more at
New! Visiting Research Fellowship
--Apply by Aug. 20--
The NBCRNA is pleased to announce a new, two-year fellowship stemming from the work of the Evaluation and Research Advisory Committee to provide a fellowship opportunity to CRNAs interested in performing research on professional certification and credentialing. The Call for Applications is open through August 20, 2019.

Find out more at
NBCRNA to Present Research at 2019 AANA Annual Congress Poster Session
The NBCRNA is pleased to present both a poster and oral presentation on the CPC Assessment (CPCA) Beta Research Study and on the NBCRNA Benchmarking Study respectively, a t the upcoming American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) Annual Congress, August 9 – 13, 2019, in Chicago.

Read more about the studies here .
Two New Research Subcommittees Launched: Exploring Alternatives to the CPC Assessment
Methods to Assess Competence Subcommittee

The ERAC Methods to Assess Knowledge and Competence Subcommittee was formed to explore current and innovative methods for assessment of CRNAs’ crucial clinical decision-making knowledge, judgement, and skills throughout their career.

The subcommittee continues their literature exploration of current and innovative assessment methods. An initial report of their meta-analysis was provided at the NBCRNA April 2019 Board of Directors meeting and completion of their initial proposal is expected by December 2019.
Simulation Subcommittee

The ERAC Simulation-Based CPC Assessment Subcommittee was established to develop a research study on the use of simulation as an alternative to the 150-question, closed-book CPC Assessment (CPCA). The NBCRNA is looking at alternative options for the CPCA as a knowledge-only assessment. Simulation is being examined as it is already currently used as a required component of the NBCRNA’s Reentry Program.

The subcommittee’s work includes development of the project proposal to evaluate the use of High-fidelity Patient Simulation (HPS) and Virtual Reality (VR) as alternatives to the current CPCA. Their initial proposal is expected to be completed by December 2019.
MORE - The ERAC will initiate the work of two additional subcommittees in September 2019. These include:
  • Longitudinal Assessment (LA) Subcommittee to investigate the use of LA as an alternative to the CPCA.
  • English as a Second Language (ESL) Subcommittee to investigate considerations for examination performance of candidates with English as a second language.
What are Logic Models and Why Do We Use Them in Our Research Processes? 
What is a Logic Model? A Logic Model is basically a simplified picture—a road map—to both depict and help answer key questions such as: what are we putting into a program and what are we trying to achieve? The NBCRNA is using logic modelling to allow us to examine the relationships between the resources invested, the activities involved with implementing the CPC Program, for instance, and the short-, medium-, and long-term outcomes and consequences of the CPC Program and its components. The CPC Program is designed to be modified based on evidence. The NBCRNA is using logic modelling to evaluate the effectiveness of the CPC Program and future changes to the program.

Logic Modelling
  • Shows the logical relationships among the resources that are invested, the activities, and the benefits or changes that result
  • Is the core of program planning, evaluation, program management, and communications
  • Helps us focus on appropriate process and outcome measures
  • Helps to focus evaluation
About the ERAC... 
In August 2017, the NBCRNA established the Evaluation and Research Advisory Committee (ERAC) to assist the NBCRNA Board of Directors in providing oversight for project development and design, ongoing analysis, outcomes, and reports related to the NBCRNA's credentialing programs. The ERAC will develop an evidenced-based evaluation of all recommendations related to the credentialing programs brought forward by stakeholders to help inform the NBCRNA and any potential changes to the CPC Program. The ERAC will provide summary recommendations to the NBCRNA Board of Directors for final determination.

The ERAC members represent a wealth of experience and depth in research and related fields, bringing expertise and innovation to NBCRNA's research efforts. The current ERAC and subcommittee rosters include:
Israel Akpadiaha
Edwin Aroke
Chris Muckler
Justice Parrott
Kay Sanders
Dennis Spence
Robyn Ward
Edward Waters
Terry Wicks
Bryan Wilbanks
Kenneth Wofford
Mary Wojnakowski
Steve Wooden
Sarah Zhang
Simulation Subcommittee
Co-Chairs: (Virginia) Chris Muckler, Jeffrey Groom
Richard Flowers
Kristin J. Henderson
Pamela Jeffries
Suzan Kardong-Edgren
AANA Appointee: Catherine H. Horvath
NCSBN Representative: Nancy Spector
Celeste Villanueva
Research/Testing Consultants: John Wickett; Anthony R. Zara
NBCRNA Board Liaisons: Mary M. Wojnakowski; Stephen Klinkhammer
NBCRNA ERAC Liaison: Dennis Spence
Duke University Students: Gaige Flewelling; Bailey Augustine
Methods Subcommittee
Edwin Aroke
Kay K. Sanders
Ken Wofford
Find out more about NBCRNA's research initiative at . Questions? Email