Top 5 things to know for the week of September 23-27, 2024

District Administration Building moves to new site

Last week, departments that were at the old Administration Building at 32500 Shiawassee moved to 33000 Freedom Road which used to house Visions Unlimited. These departments include: Business Services, Centralized Enrollment, Curriculum & Instruction, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Human Resources, Pupil Accounting, Remote/Virtual Programming, the Science Center, School Community Relations, and the Superintendent's Office. Phone numbers all remain the same.

The former site on Shiawassee will now be used as a District Storage Facility.

Board of Education Meetings

Board of Education Meetings will still be held at the Maxfield Education Center located at 33279 W. 10 Mile Rd., Farmington. The next Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 24 at 6 p.m.

Equity Action Plans being addressed at each school

In 2020/2021, an outside company called Us2, Inc. conducted an Equity Audit of the District. In total, the company spoke with 623 stakeholders and received surveys back from 4,707 stakeholders. They also conducted virtual school visits.

As a result of the Audit, each school in the District has an Equity Action Plan.  Equity Action Plan meetings are proposed to build, monitor, and maintain action oriented plans to address the specific areas identified within a particular school plan.

District Millage Renewal on the November 5 Ballot

SAVE THE DATE for the Education Foundation's Toast to Education - Friday, November 15

The Farmington/Farmington Hills Education Foundation (FFHEF) invests in the success of the students of Farmington Public Schools through innovative programming, grants, and scholarships. They work collaboratively with the District and school and community organizations to provide and support educational opportunities for our students. Proceeds from the Toast to Education will fund the Foundation's 2024-25 Innovation Grants.

Please visit their website for all of the information on the Toast.

Calling all volunteers!!

Volunteers help to make the Toast to Education a success each year.

Volunteers get free entry to the Toast including a punch ticket for wine/beer tasting for their own personal use. Please sign up below if you would like to be a volunteer!

Board of Education invites all to attend their first Board Community Dialogue for the year - Tuesday, October 1

The Farmington Public Schools’ (FPS) Board of Education is hosting a Community Dialogue with the topic of Noticing and Belonging. The Dialogue will be held Tuesday, October 1, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

One of the major educational focuses for the 2024-25 school year in Farmington Public Schools is called Noticing. What this means is that how a teacher "sees" their students - how they understand students' contributions and behaviors - has important implications for how they interact with students minute by minute, day by day. The accumulation of those interactions sends a message to students - that they are valued and that what they say and do is important and matters for their learning and for whom they can become as learners and people.

Attend this Dialogue to discuss what Noticing means to you and your child(ren) and how this focus impacts student achievement.

This important dialogue is a great opportunity to interact and to get to know your school board members and engage in a discussion about Noticing and Belonging.

The event will be held at the Maxfield Education Center located at 32789 W. Ten Mile Road in Farmington. Attendees are asked to park in the South parking lot. Light refreshments will be served.

SEPTEMBER 23, 2024

Farmington Public Schools
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