Rick Alford

Rick Alford, CRP, President
Office 972-731-2539 | Cell 214-762-1905 
September 2017
Don't Watch Your Retirement Go Up In Smoke

Let us show you how  to
preserve your wealth
retire with peace of mind.

Call Alford Retirement Solutions
for a free consultation today
(972) 731-2539.
S&P: Managers still faring miserably vs. indexes

Over the last decade, managers under-performed their benchmarks and 
fees made their bad performance even worse! 

See how  "Net of Fees"  really affects your bottom line.
Put More Money In Your Pocket

Would you like to invest in the Stock Market, but desire a more personalized approach to your specific needs?  Do you question the "Cookie Cutter" mentality of many brokerage firms? Are your retirement investments protected?  We may have the answers you've been looking for...

The last 12 months performance of our portfolio:

Large Cap Stock Portfolio 19.46% 
Fixed Index Annuity 18.52% -11.56% 
Fixed Index Universal Life 14.99%-11.30%
All Net of Fees! 
The 4% rule is not the guarantee that some believe

Different studies produce varying probabilities of success with the 4% Rule, but some recent analysis have shown the probability of failure within the first 30 years of retirement to be over 50%.

Fortunately, there are ways of addressing the effects of market volatility and adding a level of certainty for
retirement assets, income, and your retirement.
The Accounting Professor:
How Does a Quality Portfolio Perform?

Year-over-year, our portfolio was up +19.46% vs. +13.65% for the S&P 500 at the end of July 2017.  Let's revisit that analysis.

All our clients, for the most part, own our 40 largest positions. These 40 stocks have a combined market capitalization of $3.825 trillion, for an average market capitalization of $95.625 billion.  Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet's partner, argues that size is ungodly important.  There is no lack of size in our portfolios. 
In This Issue
Less than expected?

How much will you receive when it's your time to claim
Social Security Benefits?

It may be more than you think...

Join us for an educational event to discuss the best way to claim your
Social Security Benefits

Tuesday Sep 12th
at 6:30pm
Davis Library in Plano, TX
Thursday Sep 14th
at 6:30pm
Allen Library in Allen, TX

Invest one hour and
reap the benefits for
your entire retirement

Call (800) 898-3572
and give
RSVP Code 373561
"Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it, he who doesn't ...pays it."

-Albert Einstein
TOP RATED BY OUR READERS - Did you catch this article last month? 
What you need to know.

If our spending continues to outpace our revenues and interest rates rise alongside our debt, how long will it take until there is no availability for any discretionary spending?  Which naturally leads to the more consequential question:  What will the income tax rate be at your retirement?