February 8, 2022
Healthy Bay Area
Top Stretches to Prevent Back Injuries

Back pain – specifically in the lower back – can make everyday activities seem daunting. Chiropractic can not only relieve the ongoing pain, but it also properly aligns the spine to allow for better mobility and regular activity. 

After proper screenings, your chiropractor will understand the challenges you face with subluxation / spinal misalignment. While she may recommend specific stretches or exercises that will benefit your personal challenges, and you should always consult her opinion before adding to or modifying her regimen, there are some general stretches that may support you in preventing back injuries.

Back Pain Stretches

Lumbar Rotation: Lie flat on the ground with your knees in a 90-degree angle, feet flat on the floor. Slowly rotate at your waist, pulling your knees to one side and leaving your shoulders flat on the floor. Hold for 10 seconds and rotate to the opposite side.

Knee to Chest: Lie flat on the ground or other surface with both legs straight. Bend one knew, lifting it toward your chest until you feel tension. Hold for 30 seconds and release the leg. Repeat on opposite leg.

Standing Back Arch: Stand up straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Place the palms of your hands on your lower back. Breathe in slowly and release the air. Slowly bend your upper body backwards, keeping your knees straight. Hold the bend for five seconds and return to starting position. Perform five times.

What would your life be like if you could move without the fear of pain or manage through weeks, or months, without a single headache? Schedule you next treatment with your chiropractor and ask for other stretches to help prevent back pain.
February is American Heart Month

The month of February reminds you take care of your heart. Your heart is an important muscle as it pumps blood to all the areas of your body. Your blood carries oxygen and nutrients that your organs need to work properly. When this system breaks down, your body’s organs may not receive enough blood to work normally. Taking care of your heart is an essential part of taking care of your entire body.

You can take care of your heart by implementing the following helpful tips.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Eating foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids is one way to care of your heart. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Omega-3 fatty acids are also a natural anti-inflammatory. Be sure to include foods like fatty fish, walnuts, and avocado in your diet. Also consider supplementing with a high quality omega 3 fatty acid supplement, like Nordic Naturals.

Unfortunately, the Western diet is high in processed foods and lacks healthy fiber. This causes weight gain and a multitude of health problems, including heart disease. A diet high in fiber has been shown to protect your heart. Fiber is known to lower cholesterol and may also lower blood pressure and inflammation. Be sure to include foods like navy beans, split peas, lentils, artichokes, pears, apples, almonds, collard greens, and chia seeds in your diet.

Sleep plays a huge role in your overall health and wellness, including your heart health. Not getting enough sleep is known to increase blood pressure, increase inflammation, and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Be sure to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night to improve your heart health.

What does your posture have to do with your heart? Studies show that increase curvature in the mid back (thoracic spine) can actually put stress on your heart. Because your heart is in your rib cage, any increased curvature in your mid back can cause your heart to work harder. Practicing good ergonomics and getting your posture adjusted is a good way to keep your posture healthy.

Everyone knows by now how important exercise is to your overall health and wellbeing. Regular exercise improves factors linked to cardiovascular health, resulting in lower blood pressure, healthier cholesterol levels, and better blood sugar regulation. You don’t have to have fancy gym equipment or a crazy workout routine to improve your cardiovascular health. Even a 20 minutes walk, 5 times a week can improve your heart health. Nowadays there are also tons of free workout videos online so finding something that you enjoy is not too difficult.

Taking care of your heart and your overall health is a daily practice. Choose 1-2 areas to focus on and add other areas as you are ready. New habits take time to develop, so give yourself the grace to learn something new. Always be kind to yourself and allow yourself to make mistakes. Mistakes are how you learn. But, don’t give up as you are worth it!!

“Each patient carries his own doctor inside him.”
― Norman Cousins


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