Greetings from Down the Hall!
Top Ten List of Opportunities Happening before Christmas!

  1. Thursday, November 16: Christmas Fair Set up 5:30pm
  2. Saturday, November 18: Old Lyme Soup Kitchen 8:00am
  3. Saturday, November 18: St. Paul Christmas Fair 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
  4. Sunday, November 19: Kids Christmas Shop the White Elephant Sale!  (Linda LaBrec, Ursula Rufleth & Ginny Lampo will be available to help you pick out something special for your family and even wrap it so it stays a surprise until Christmas!)
    5. Saturday, December 2: Confirmation at 5:00 pm
    6. Saturday, December 2: Christmas Caroling 6:00 pm
    7. Sunday, December 3: Create your own Advent Wreath at 9:45 am.
    8. Sunday, December 10: 9:40 am Rehearse for the Christmas Program. ALL are welcome!
    9. Sunday, December 17: One Service at 10:00 includes Christmas Program
    10. Sunday, December 17: Blessing Bag Assembly Party after the Christmas Program Service with a Potluck!
Please let me know if you have questions about any of these opportunities.
See you there!
" Coffee Hour" is time for EVERYone to make new friends after church... Bridget and Evie (Ellen and Darrell Pataska's granddaughters) having fun post-church with Cora Sullivan.
Check out Pastor Geoff's latest MIN MSG:
Operation Christmas Child Success!
Thanks to everyone for donating, shopping and packing for Operation Christmas Child. 

Shopping: Kids: Mia Sinibaldo, Lily Cody, Brooke Millburne
"Adults": Geoff Tammie Pat Newborg, Jane Moretti, Kerri Forbes,
Organizing: Around the table: Mason Millburne, Brooke Millburne, Mati Arcelus, Riley Millburne, Tess Barry, Liv Barry, Julie Arcelus, Jaidyn Cote, Mia Sinibaldo, Audrey Forbes
Packing: Around the table: Carol Voigt, Addy Cote, Wade Michels, Diana Michels, Christy Blackwood, Dan Blackwood, Kat Arcelus, Julie Arcelus, Britt Barry, Liv Barry
Welcome our newest littles to the St Paul Family! Dylan and Hunter born to Tim and Allyssa Kellogg on Friday October 27 and Heidi Mae Sullivan born into the family of Ellie and Ryan Sullivan on Saturday, November 11. Congratulations all around! (and if you were wondering, yes, Geoff is kind of a baby hog).

Geoff and Hunter
Geoff and Heidi
2017 Christmas Pageant - December 17 at 10:00
Tess Barry will be producing this year's original production.
ALL are welcome to participate . Sign up will be Sunday, December 3 with ONE rehearsal between services on Sunday, December 10.
Any questions contact Tammie.
This Weekend...

Saturday, November 18
Old Lyme Soup Kitchen 8:00 am
Christmas Fair 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Sunday, November 19
8:30 & 10:45 Worship
Christmas Shop and Wrap for Kids between services
Around the Table... This week's question:
If you could name yourself, would you pick the same name? If not, what would you pick?
Please let me know what's happening in your life right now! Swim meet
on Saturday? Performing in your school play next weekend?
Scout project going on? I would love the opportunity to pray
for you and maybe even get to see you in action!
You can simply reply to this email or text/call me: 860.810.4429.

Have an amazing day, a fantastic weekend
and remember that God loves you exactly the way you are!

  St. Paul Lutheran Church 56 Great Hammock Rd, Old Saybrook, CT
 |860-810-4429  [email protected]