Underhill Associates
Spring Newsletter
Don't forget to keep up to date with all Underhill properties and projects by following them on social media.
Myers Medical Lofts Social Media is Live!
We look forward to the University of Louisville Dental School Alumni attending an Open House Event at Myers Medical Lofts this Spring.
Underhill is dedicated to the preservation of historic buildings. We are very proud that we were able to save Myers Hall for the repurposes of housing in the Medical District downtown. 

Pre-Leasing Now
For Leasing info call: 812-457-4086
Enjoy great live bands across the street and then sit down at one of our local restaurants for a perfect night out.
The B.A. Colonial
The B.A. Colonial is delighted to collect old photographs and memories brought in by our South End neighbors.
THURSDAY, MARCH 3rd, 2022 AT 8 PM – 11 PM
Turn3 with special guest Dusty Bo - LIVE MUSIC

Back Deck BBQ
Back Deck is creating new menu items that you won't be able to pass up, like this Ultimate Smoked Chicken Salad! 
Union 15
Would you rather….have pepperoni or sausage on your pizza?!?!? NEW Weekly lunch specials. 
FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2022 AT 8 PM – 11 PM
Jeremy Sharfe - LIVE MUSIC
Taco Luchador
Check out this custom portrait of the patio done by Place and Maker Studio.
Biscuit Belly
Did you remember to kick off your valentines day with a dough-mantic biscuit?
Own a Piece of Colonial Gardens
A new batch of bricks has been installed, order yours on our website.
Highlands Court is buzzing with fun activities. Crafting with Lysa has started back up with a phenomenal turnout, everyone has missed being together and using their creativity. The Valentine’s Day celebration was a huge success and focused on the 3 B’s; Breakfast, Baked goods, and Baskets. Movie time has also made a return and is a great alternative for our residents to enjoy a good movie with friends. Everyone’s pumped and ready to flaunt their green in the upcoming St Patrick’s Day celebration! 
GML is ready for spring so the residents can enjoy the new fire pits recently installed on the patio. They are excited to reveal the updates in store for the patio and pool area this summer. 

Private garages are under plan review for Germantown Mill Lofts with the plans of summer construction. 
Trivia Night has taken off! Follow Germantown Social on Instagram to find out when the Next Tuesday Trivia is being held. A new lounge area is in the planning phases and we are excited to have a new spot to hang out and enjoy some cocktails! 
Flex Appeal
Flex Appeal is ready to get you in shape for summer.. or if you just need a moment to relax... Flex has a new masseuse on staff. Contact Heather at 502-953-9540 to schedule an appointment.
Specialty classes and amenities at Flex Appeal Gym- WHAS11

Congrats to owner Dustin and his wife Natalie on welcoming their newest, Emerson Ellen.
Swiss Village is ready! Our models are decorated and have received such an amazing response and are showing nicely. We have hosted two successful open houses and look forward to more in the future. The first new residents are equally as happy with their spaces. 

For Leasing info call: 502-212-7877
If you're interested in buying or selling a home, Underhill Associates Realty has you covered. With years of experience we have a great understanding of the Louisville marketplace and its surrounding communities. Contact one of our agents to discuss any of your real estate needs. 


BROKER- MIKE MORRIS: E: mikemorris@uhill.org C: 502.439.7558

TODD UNDERHILL E: gtu@uhill.org C:502.386.3617

MICHAEL BROOKS E: mikebrooks7@twc.com C:502.387.6002

ANGELA SIEVERT E: angelasievert@hotmail.com C:502.523.4790

LISA GRITTON E: lisag1582@gmail.com C:502.272.2269

MICHAEL GARDNER E: mike.online.email@gmail.com C:502.356.6461

JOHN HUNZICKER E: john@uhill.org C:502.585.6367

Project Pipeline
1140 Cherokee Road Church
The perfect building for conversion into high-end apartments.
All properties and the corporate office will be closed on the following days.

Office Staff and Properties will be closed Wednesday, May 4th starting at 11:00 am for Company Outing at Churchill Downs
Memorial Day:
Closed Monday, May 30, 2022

Note: Property emergency maintenance staff will remain on-call through all holidays.
Underhill Associates | 502.581.8800 | questions@uhill.org underhillassociates.com