SCDRP Newsletter: December 19, 2024 | |
💡Featured Topic: Tribal Resilience
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Image Source: The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Strengthening Indigenous America: Proceedings of a Workshop
The Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Disasters and Emergencies at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine facilitated a workshop in July 2024 to identify opportunities to strengthen tribes' abilities to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters.
Key points listed in the workshop summary include:
- Identifying sources of long-term funding to support infrastructure related to disaster planning and response(Cullen, Curole)
- Supporting businesses owned and operated by Indigenous Americans to respond to emergencies. (Freitas, Lewis)
- Promote opportunities for Indigenous Americans to build careers in fields relevant to disaster preparedness and response (Cullen)
- Preserving indigenous food traditions/practices that increase resilience. (Freitas, Lyons)
- Include medicine people and Indigenous American first responders in emergency planning and response. (Begay, Goldtooth)
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This article from Inside Climate News discusses the need for indigenous tribes, particularly the Miccosukee Tribe and the Seminole Tribe, to take a leading role in Everglades restoration efforts based on their deep roots in and rich knowledge of the Everglades.
Image: Credit: Lisette Morales McCabe/The Washington Post via Getty Images
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This article explores initial efforts to incorporate indigenous knowledge into resilience planning, including successes and areas for growth.
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Register Here for the Annual Meeting by January 13th!
Check out the Annual Meeting Webpage for the latest agenda updates and more.
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Collaboration Corner & Partner Announcements | |
Do you have an announcement, question, or a request for information, resources, or connections that you’d like to send out to SCDRP’s wide network of disaster resiliency and climate professionals? Email us at with your request and contact information, and it may be featured in our next newsletter!
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Join us! Discover SCDRP Membership options and benefits by clicking below: | |
See Below for Job Opportunities, Upcoming Webinars/Events, Funding Opportunities, and Helpful Resources!
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Job Opportunities, Internships, and Fellowships | |
Submitted by SCDRP Members:
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
Supervisory Sanctuary Superintendent (Closing December 27)
Key West, FL
$110,137 - $169,195 per year
Community Engagement Specialist (Application review begins January 15)
$50,000 - $55,000 per year
SECOORA is seeking a graduate student or post-doc to examine ocean temperature regimes in the Southeast United States, specifically offshore of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. The student will also collaborate with the CARICOOS Regional Association and GCOOS Regional Association to create a more holistic understanding of nearshore oceanic temperature changes.
Apply by January 15.
NOAA Fisheries Southeast Regional Office
Legal Instruments Examiner (Closing Jan 2)
St. Petersburg, FL
$49,025 - $70,578 per year
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The Fulbright Specialist Program seeks a climate-modeling specialist for a short-term opportunity. Apply by Jan 13.
Emory University
Postdoctoral Fellow in Integrated Agricultural Modeling (Application review begins Jan 31)
Atlanta, GA
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Fellowships, Internships, and Early Career Opportunities:
FEMA Corps
FEMA Corps is a full-time, team-based service program for young adults to travel the country in teams and serve communities impacted by disasters. Members must be between 18-26 years old. There is no age limit for team leaders. Team leaders and members receive a meal allowance, lodging, medical benefits, on the job training and a living stipend for personal expenses. Upon successful completion of FEMA Corps, members will earn the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award, student loan forbearance, and be eligible for potential job opportunities.
(Application to be a Corps Member due Feb 28; Application to be a Team Leader due Jan 31)
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Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration Grant Program 2025 Request for Proposals
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and the Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC)—in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), USDA Forest Service (USFS), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) USDA Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production, FedEx and Southern Company—are pleased to solicit applications for the 2025 Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration program. The grant program seeks to develop community capacity to sustain local natural resources for future generations by providing modest financial assistance to diverse local partnerships focused on improving water quality, watersheds and the species and habitats they support. Awards range from $30,000 to $60,000 with an average size of $45,000 and 30-40 grants awarded per year. Grants should span 12 to 18 months with a start date in late summer/early fall 2025.
Applications due January 30, 2025.
GA Sea Grant Request for Proposals
Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant invests in use-inspired research that improves the understanding, management, and wise use of Georgia’s coastal and marine ecosystems. Two types of funding opportunities are outlined in the RFP, Planning Grants and Collaborative Research Grants:
- Planning Grants focus on fostering community engagement, prioritizing underserved communities, and supporting foundational activities like team-building, data collection, and educational outreach.
- Collaborative Research Grants emphasize answering well-defined research questions aligned with strategic priorities such as climate resilience, sustainable development, and ocean literacy.
Prospective investigators can request up to $30,000 per year for planning grants, OR $75,000 per year for collaborative research grants. We anticipate funding 6-8 planning and collaborative research awards. Applications require 50% non-federal match.
Virtual Research Workshop: Jan. 8-9, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.; Register here
Preproposal Deadline: February 10, 2025
Full Proposal Deadline: May 16, 2025
National Park Service Tribal Heritage Grants Program
The grant program focuses on protecting oral histories, traditional cultural practices, and sacred and historic places, as well as enabling the establishment of Tribal historic preservation offices.
Applications due February 27, 2025.
Transformational Habitat Restoration and Coastal Resilience Grants | NOAA Fisheries
Projects selected through this funding opportunity will have a transformative impact for coastal communities and tribes across the country. They will help sustain our nation’s fisheries, make significant strides in the recovery of threatened and endangered species, and help protect coastal communities and ecosystems from the impacts of climate change. They will support efforts such as reconnecting rivers to their historic floodplains, outplanting corals to rebuild reefs, building living shorelines that protect coasts from erosion and sea level rise, and more. NOAA will accept proposals between $750,000 and $10 million for the entire award, with typical funding anticipated to range from $4 million to $6 million.
We will hold three live webinars with information for potential applicants:
Proposals due April 16, 2025
Closing Soon:
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Equity and Inclusion in Risk: United States Geological Survey (USGS)
report on incorporating equity and inclusion in risk reduction, including a story map of case studies.
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Workshops, Trainings, and Events | |
Just Added:
National Academies for Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Workshop: Building Health and Resilience Research Capacity in the U.S. Gulf Coast: Elevating Minority-Serving Institutions as Key Partners
February 20, Virtual & In-person: New Orleans, LA 9 am-6 pm
2nd Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands Extreme Heat Summit
March 10-11, 2025, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR
Symposium on Tropical Cyclone Risk in a Changing Climate
May 31st - June 4th, 2025, Clearwater, FL
27th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Symposium
June 2-4, 2025, Emmitsburg, MD
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Upcoming events:
Drought and Aquatic Ecosystems in the Southeast Workshop | Cooperative Programs for the Advancement of Earth System Science
January 7-9, Raleigh, NC
Coastal GeoTools Conference
January 27-30, Wilmington, NC
National Practice Forum on Nature-Based Solutions
February 4-5, Irvine, CA or Virtual
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Workshop: Higher Educations Path to Sustainability and Resilience
February 5, 2025, 9 am-5 pm ET Virtual & In-person
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Calls for Information, Comments, Surveys, Applications:
The University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) is seeking applicants and internship partners for the new Professional Science Master (PSM) degree as part of UVI’s Marine and Environmental Science program (MMES).
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has developed a proposed rule to protect workers from extreme heat: Heat Injury and Illness Prevention in Outdoor and Indoor Work Settings. The comment period is open until December 30, 2024. Make your voice heard by providing recommendations or expressing support for this rule.
Call for Abstracts: 2025 Hazard Mitigation (HM)Partners Workshop (FEMA)
Abstract submissions must be sent by email. The Call for Abstracts submission period deadline is Jan. 15, 2025.
Natural Hazards Center
Annual Hazards and Disasters Student Paper Competition (Due January 24, 2025)
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is seeking suggestions for experts to participate in a new study on the future of drought in the United States. The Study committee will consider approaches for drought characterization, assessment, and response under a changing climate. Nomination Deadline: January 24, 2025
The Natural Hazards Center is seeking submissions for the 50th Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop. Submissions accepted through January 31, 2025.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released a draft of the Interim Framework for Advancing Consideration of Cumulative Impacts, providing agency programs and regional offices with tools and principles to consider cumulative impacts in their work. EPA welcomes public feedback on the draft Framework by February 19, 2025.
The Southeast Regional Climate Center (SERCC) requests feedback on "Expanded Caribbean Section of Southeast Quarterly Impacts and Outlook Report"
The American Society of Adaptation Professionals invites its members and organizations with experience in environmental justice and community advocacy to sign-up to provide technical assistance for communities impacted the most via the EPA Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers (“TCTAC”) Program.
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The mission of the Southeast & Caribbean Disaster Resilience Partnership (SCDRP) is to serve as a trusted regional network to build professional skills, facilitate knowledge-exchange, advance equitable climate adaptation approaches, promote strategies for accelerating natural disaster recovery, and facilitate strong and diverse partnerships across professional sectors.
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