Dear Members,

Thank you for answering our call to action on Friday. As a result of your efforts, we increased our total grassroots letter count by 50% and hundreds of tweets were shared. However, the government has still not addressed the wind-down of the Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program, which was cut in half yesterday. Further, we are hearing early speculation reports suggesting that additional financial aid is unlikely to be included in the Federal Budget, as the Government seeks to reinstate fiscal prudence and change the channel on COVID. 

The good news is that progress is being made on the border issue and we are hearing that the Government will drop border testing as early as this week. This will be an excellent development as Summer draws closer, and we certainly support the Government’s pivot to a wide open travel environment - something we have been calling for extensively. But an open border today does not replace all the cancellations due to Omicron, and we are still fighting for those last support dollars.

If our industry wants to secure more financial support, we need to fight for it TODAY. The most important thing you can do is call your MP or send a direct email. The next 48 hours are critical.

I prepared the following video, which highlights our campaign, our ask, and how you can support over these next very critical days:

As always, please connect with our team if we can support you in any way.