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Parashat Miketz

December 16, 2023 | 4 Tevet 5784

Torah: Genesis 41:1–44:17 Triennial: Genesis 41:53–43:15

Haftarah: I Kings 3:15–4:1

We believe that in times of great strife, words of Torah can provide stability and comfort in our lives.

We know that you join us in praying for the safety of our soldiers and citizens, and that together we mourn the terrible losses already suffered.

We stand together for a strong and secure Israel.

In this week's Torah Sparks, you'll find a D'var Torah on the Torah portion by Bex Stern-Rosenblatt called "Wisdom, Discernment, and Truth",

Rabbi Daniel Raphael Silverstein asks shares insights from Hassidut in a video titled "Finding the Compassionate Truth", and Ilana Kurshan reflects on the parashah through poetry in a piece called "Life is But a Dream".

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Wisdom, Discernment, and Truth

Bex Stern-Rosenblatt


The story of the beginning of Solomon’s kingship is the haftarah for this parashah. Joseph and Solomon are linked.  Both Joseph and Solomon are rulers of our people, paragons of how to lead. Yet in many ways, Solomon is nothing like Joseph. Solomon is King of the United Monarchy, of Israel and Judah, of our homeland. Joseph is second-in-command of Egypt, the place of our suffering. Solomon’s story takes him from chosen and beloved by God through turning into a near tyrant whose sons will rip apart the Kingdom. Joseph’s story is the inverse. He begins by alienating his brothers and causing family strife and becomes a humble servant of God who lovingly reunites his family. 

However, both Joseph and Solomon are noted for their wisdom. After interpreting Pharaoh’s dreams, Joseph tells Pharaoh to find a wise and discerning person and appoint him over Egypt. Pharaoh replies that there is no one so wise and discerning as Joseph and appoints him. Likewise, after God appears to Solomon in a dream, God grants him a wise and discerning heart. Indeed, it is their wisdom and discernment that qualifies Joseph and Solomon to be leaders. 

Later, in Deuteronomy, Moses expounds on types of leadership and what qualifies a person for what sort of leadership. Unsurprisingly, he too is concerned with understanding and discernment. In his retelling of the time he appointed people under him to help him to judge cases, Moses explains that God told him to appoint wise and discerning men. 

But what is this wisdom we look for in leaders? What does it mean for a leader to be discerning? First, they must stand for truth and be able to uncover it. In our haftarah, Solomon presides over the terrible case of the two desperate mothers, one claiming the other had stolen her baby after accidentally killing her own. It is a horrible story. Solomon executes justice with wisdom. He enacts a believable threat, stating that he will cut the living child in two, giving half to each mother. The real mother, horrified, demands that the other woman take her child, just so long as he is allowed to live. Solomon devises a test between two seemingly identical women which reveals a hidden truth. 

Similarly, Joseph hears two nearly identical dreams twice over. First, he hears the parallel dreams of the baker and the cup holder. He is able to discern, through careful attention to minor detail, which of the two will live and which will die. Second, he hears the two similar dreams of Pharaoh. Joseph is able to recognize that these are two dreams carrying the same message, a divine message that allows for action. He is able to uncover the truth obscured by the medium of the dream. 

Both Joseph and Solomon are able to see differences, to make separations. They are good leaders, good judges, because they look for objective truth and are able to find it. This ability is lauded again in Deuteronomy. When we read about which of us survived the wanderings in the desert to make it to Canaan, we learn that it is those of us who are wise and discerning. Moses explains that our wisdom and discernment is to keep God’s laws and to do them. It is to live in a system of truth and to structure our lives in ways that uphold that system, whether we are sovereign in our own land like Solomon or living assimilated lives in the diaspora like Joseph.


Finding the Compassionate Truth

Rabbi Daniel Raphael Silverstein

Insights from Hassidut


Rabbi Daniel Silverstein teaches Hassidut at the CY and directs Applied Jewish Spirituality ( In these weekly videos, he shares Hassidic insights on the parashah or calendar.


Life is But a Dream

llana Kurshan

When Joseph, as a kid, had lots of dreams. 

His brothers, herding sheep, would roll their eyes. 

For Joseph never worked. He just spun tales,

What wasn’t fair congealed into despise. 

Some say it was the cloak. It isn’t true,

It was the dreams he shared, that little twerp.

Eleven stars and sheaves all bowing down

As if he, weak and spindly, could usurp. 

Once in the pit, he had all day to dream.

Enveloped in pitch darkness, but so what?

He saw himself a prince, a lord, a god—

The scorpions and snakes would watch him strut. 

Another pit. A jail cell. They relayed

Their latest dreams. Each prisoner took his turn.

Said Joseph: Shall I tell you what they mean?

They nodded, but not all were pleased to learn. 

Still, word got out: That prisoner gets it right. 

He knows the world need not be what it seems.  

Weeks later, it was he in the all the land

Interpreting the Pharaoh’s doubled dreams. 

For Joseph, life was are not about what is;

But all about the way we understand. 

His destiny was his to seize and meld

According to his dreams. A self-made man. 

So Egypt rose, and Jacob rose. His brothers,

Like sheaves and stars all bowed ‘til he broke down.

“I’m Joseph,” he cried. “Life’s not what it seems,

You thought I’m gone, but look, I’ve come around.” 

His brothers panicked. “Does he want us dead?”

But Joseph laughed, and in his eye, a gleam.

“It isn’t about me,” he said, “It’s clear,

For don’t you see we’re all just in God’s dream?”

We dream. Our cloaks are torn. We seek to mend,

As best we can, before God shapes our end.  


The Talmud teaches that the Torah was given in black fire on white fire (Y. Shekalim 6:1). The black fire is the letters of the Torah scroll, and the white fire is the parchment background. In this column, consisting of a poem on each parashah, I will try to illuminate the white fire of Torah – the midrashim, stories, and interpretations that carve out the negative space of the letters and give them shape.

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