All resumes are brand-new 2-pages and are written to either ONE of the following:
- A specific job description
- A general career field (i.e. health coaching)
- Not written to a specific job description or career field
Pricing is dependent on what experience level you're staying in/pursuing.
My 4 experience levels are:
- Entry-level (defined as pursuing positions which require 0-2.5 years' experience) and are generally most minimum wage positions.
- Mid-level (defined as pursuing positions which require 3-14.5 years' experience) positions and are basically, not entry-level, manager, or higher level management position
Senior-level (defined as pursuing positions which require 15 years' experience) OR are any management position that's not higher level management (i.e. Director, C-level such as: CEO, CMIO, etc.)
- Executive-level (defined as pursuing positions which require over 15 years' experience) OR any higher level management position such as: Director, C-level such as: CEO, CMIO, etc.
2 sets of edits per the final resume are included with the price of the resume. 2 sets of edits is defined you as you look at the first draft of your resume, if there are edit(s) to be made, I make them (as long as it's not developing a whole new resume) and then provide you the revised draft & if there are any final edit(s) they are made & then you're provided with the electronic Microsoft Word document of your resume to do as you please with it.
Pricing of the above 4 resume levels with the 2 sets of edits included regardless of resume level & can be purchased by clicking the purple "BUY NOW" button below these 4 resume options:
Entry-level resume: $211.60 which include the debit/credit card processing fees my newsletter company charges to net my $200 rate. If you want to pay outside of my newsletter & pay the non-debit/credit card processing fee rate, read below the purple "BUY NOW" button below with the red text that's highlighted & in caps discussing "IF YOU WANT TO PAY OUTSIDE OF MY NEWSLETTER"...
Mid-level resume: $274.84 which include the debit/credit card processing fees my newsletter company charges to net my $260 rate. If you want to pay outside of my newsletter & pay the non-debit/credit card processing fee rate, read below the purple "BUY NOW" button below with the red text that's highlighted & in caps discussing "IF YOU WANT TO PAY OUTSIDE OF MY NEWSLETTER"...
Senior-level resume: $338.08 which include the debit/credit card processing fees my newsletter company charges to net my $320 rate. If you want to pay outside of my newsletter & pay the non-debit/credit card processing fee rate, read below the purple "BUY NOW" button below with the red text that's highlighted & in caps discussing "IF YOU WANT TO PAY OUTSIDE OF MY NEWSLETTER"...
Executive-level resume: $401.32 which include the debit/credit card processing fees my newsletter company charges to net my $380 rate. If you want to pay outside of my newsletter & pay the non-debit/credit card processing fee rate, read below the purple "BUY NOW" button below with the red text that's highlighted & in caps discussing "IF YOU WANT TO PAY OUTSIDE OF MY NEWSLETTER"...