Harley Raffle for Special Olympics Ontario
The tickets for the 2021 Harley Davidson Raffle are over 50% sold!

Less than 2 months left until draw day on September 16!

Don't miss out, get your tickets today!
Truck Convoy is BACK!
The Paris Truck Convoy is BACK in 2021! After a fully virtual Truck Convoy in 2020, this year will include an in-person event* as well as a virtual edition!

*In the case that the in-person event cannot happen, in-person registrations will be converted to virtual registrations.
NEW for 2021! The Truck Convoy will be holding an online 50/50. For those of you who can't make it to the event, this is a great way to support this amazing Torch Run event, now in it's 17th year!
Save the Date!
The FIRST EVER Virtual Torch Ride
Torch Run Ontario is excited to host the FIRST EVER Virtual Torch Ride in support of Special Olympics Ontario from August 15 - September 15, 2021!

Stay tuned as more information will be available soon! The Virtual Torch Ride is the perfect opportunity to get out and hit the road to raise funds and awareness for over 26,000 athletes in Ontario!
Coming Soon! OPP Guardians Half Marathon/5K
The OPP Guardians Half Marathon/5K is BACK this year! The event was fully virtual in 2020, but is back with in-person (5K only) and virtual (5K OR Half Marathon) options for 2021.

The in-person run will be taking place on October 17, 2021 at OPP Headquarters (777 Memorial Avenue, Orillia). Back to the picturesque home of the run in years past!

Virtual runners can complete the 5K or Half Marathon at the time of their choosing. We encourage these runners to log these runs on Strava and share photos on social media!

Registration will open soon, keep your eyes open so you don't miss out!
Champion of Inclusion
Sgt. Aaron Gross, Niagara Regional Police Service
Special Olympics Ontario and Torch Run Ontario joined Special Olympics Canada in celebrating the Global Day of Inclusion last week by highlighting "Champions of Inclusion."

This included our very own Sgt. Aaron Gross of Niagara Regional Police Service. To read the full profile on Sgt. Gross, click the link below.
Follow Torch Run Ontario on Facebook - NEW page!

The first 100 likes and follows will be entered into a draw to win a Tims Card!
Available for download through Google Play and the App Store by searching "Torch Run." When downloaded, you will need to allow "notifications" in order to receive updates on the newest LETR happenings.
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