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Coleen, Aidan and the Tuscan Women Cook team are back in Montefollonico for an exciting fall season. They eagerly await the arrival of our guests for a week of cooking, excursions, and unforgettable Tuscan dining experiences. The days of embracing sunshine and the vivid colors of early autumn welcome us. As do our beloved nonne and their families. 

Our preparations are in full swing. This fall Lorena, Sandra, and Suzanne, our three ambassadors, are joining us too. We know that our guests will appreciate their years of experience and hospitality.

Venite con noi!– Come join us!  Follow along on social media where you will get a taste of our fall season. @tuscanwomencook


— Your Tuscan Women Cook Team

Buon Compleanno!

Auguri Per Due!

Ristorante 13 Gobbi in Montefollonico embodies everything our guests love about the Tuscan Women Cook culinary experience. Its historic building is a centuries-old landmark that we pass daily. It's where we make pasta and dine on their renowned cacio e pepe prepared in a giant wheel of Tuscan pecorino.

Albo and Simonetta Stefanucci and their son Matteo work together as a harmonious team. Moreover, mother and son share a unique and special occasion that brings a double celebration into their family—they share a birthday on September 28. We offer them our heartfelt wishes for happiness, health, and success. We trust it will be a day filled with celebration and the promise of many more shared moments in the years to come. And we'll stop by to help you celebrate!

As Italian as Torta di Mele

Apples are a symbol of long life, a joyous new year ahead, and, in most cultures, they have a reputation for promoting good health. For Simonetta and Matteo's birthdays, we offer this cake that highlights apples.

Just as families in the United States make apple pie in the fall, Tuscan families make torta di mele, apple cake. It is a traditional baking-season dessert. Italy is the sixth largest producer of apples in the world and a major supplier of apples throughout the EU. No wonder that apples are so popular. Click here for recipe.

Calling All Home Chefs

Join us for a virtual cooking experience where YOU are the star of the kitchen! Share your culinary creations inspired by Tuscan Women Cook and Italy. Show us your in-progress or completed dishes whether it's an awesome pasta, a decadent dessert, or a refreshing aperitivo. We'd love to see them all!

Whip up your signature dish, snap some mouth-watering photos or short video, and

post on Instagram or Facebook and tag us @tuscanwomencook.

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Tuscan Women Cook is the registered trademark of Tuscan Women Cook, LLC, a privately owned company, and not an affiliate, associate, or subsidiary of any other culinary travel program.