WMPHA Executive Committee members have been hard at work planning a great day of speakers on Tuesday, October 29 at the Log Cabin in Holyoke for this year's Totally Title 5 Conference!

Expert speakers will cover a variety of wastewater related topics, and there will be vendors, food, and many of your colleagues and neighbors!

See below for the agenda, click here for a PDF of the flyer and register by clicking here:

Contact Bri Dupras at with questions.

We hope to see you there!

The WMPHA Executive Committee

Congratulations, Inspectors!

Congratulations to Jason O'Brien in Orange and Kristen Hargrave-Amodio and Donna Bowman in Northampton for completing their Tier 3 food inspections and becoming some of the first local public health employees in the state to complete all 3 tiers of the LPHIT Food Program!!

WMPHA Leadership Transition

Many thanks to longtime WMPHA President Sharon Hart and Vice President Gerri Swanson for their service to the region!

At the August WMPHA Executive Committee meeting, they were replaced by Tom Hibert of Southwick as President, and Ryan Paxton of Montague as Vice President. Tammy Spencer of East Longmeadow replaced Tom FitzGerald as Secretary earlier this year. Thanks to all of them for stepping up!

Missed a previous WMPHA Training Event?

  • Click here to see recordings of recent workshops


The WMPHA Executive Committee:

·       Sharon Hart/South Hadley,

·       Gerri Swanson/Southampton

·       Bri Dupras/Franklin/Hampshire Field Training Hub, Treasurer

·      Ryan Paxton, Vice President

·    Phoebe Walker/FRCOG

·      Randy White, retired

·       Laura Kittross/BRPC

·      Tom Hibert, Southwick, President

·      Rebecca Jurczyk, Great Barrington

·      Tammy Spencer/East Longmeadow, Secretary

Western MA Public Health Association | Website