Become a sponsor and enjoy some “to die for refreshments” generously donated by The Foodsmith available during the tour!
Our undying gratitude to the following businesses and individuals:
Angel ($500)
D/2 Biological Solution
The Foodsmith
Richard Janelle
Al and Cindy Lees
Carolyn Duby and David Swift
Tom and Barbara Slaight
Poo White
Dove ($300)
Country Woolens
Charles and Linda Findlay
Robert Hawes
Ken and Marilyn Simon
David Tobias and Liz Micheels
Anchor ($150)
Residential Properties
David Cole and Betty Slade
Tom Boreiko and Alison Coolidge
Nils Bruzelius and Lynne Weil
John and Christine Conway
Michael and Jennifer Coye
Sue and Bob Daylor
Peter and Alison Fenn
Janet Hadley
Emily Hoeffel
Jill Kellsall
Mary Ellen Kennedy
Nancy MacEachern
Maurice May
Diana and Hugh Morton
Terry Somerson
Brenda and Greg Stone
Ted and Dorsey Titcomb
Kit Wise and Yvonne Barr
Simone Wright
Cherub ($75)
Maura Bracken
Elizabeth Flemming
Anne Griswold
Gay Gillespie
Gloria Merchant
Westport Gravestone Cleaning and Restoration Group
Potter Funeral Home
South Coastal Realty
Westport Federal Credit Union