A news round-up from the Town of Henniker, NH
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
After seven weeks of our NH ”Stay at Home” and “No non-essential travel” Orders, the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) continues to report that our town, and many of the immediately surrounding towns, are reporting 1-4 total cases of the virus, and in some cases, zero cases. This is a credit to the efforts of all of our community members. To protect privacy, only DHHS knows the identity of those who have COVID-19. DHHS continues to conduct a very active contact tracing program.
The DHHS report is updated daily, so we urge everyone to continue social distancing, hand washing, masking where appropriate, and traveling only for essential reasons so that we may all continue to be safe. You can also find the Governor’s Executive and Emergency Orders concerning recommended behavior and allowed activities during this pandemic at .

If you have any questions about this communication or any other Town matters, please direct them to , or call 603-428-3221 ext. 5 and ask for the Town Administrator. The Town Administrator and the Board of Selectmen maintain close contact to understand both the questions and the responses given. You can also tune in at 1:00 pm on Tuesday for a Community Town Hall Meeting (Brown Bag Lunch with the Town of Henniker) for weekly updates. Access for the login link.

If you know of others who might benefit from reading "Henniker Happenings" and the ongoing COVID-19 information and resources the Town provides as relevant information becomes available, please pass this email along. It's possible to sign up to receive them directly on the Town of Henniker web page at . or use cell phone to join, text HKNEWS to 22828 to get started.

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is an unprecedented health crisis that has disrupted our local, national, and worldwide economy. This disruption is creating significant financial hardships and potentially lasting economic impacts that affect Henniker residents, businesses, and nonprofits. To assist in overcoming the financial and emotional challenges many are experiencing now and, in the weeks, and months ahead, a number of programs and services are already in place or being implemented by the Town of Henniker. These measures are being coordinated with federal, state, and private efforts, and provide economic support and financial relief to all residents, businesses, and nonprofits affected by the COVID-19 crisis and in need of assistance.

Henniker HELPS (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) is a comprehensive and continually updated list of programs, services, and assistance available to the community during these difficult times.

Since the first known line-of-duty death in 1786, more than 21,000 U.S. law enforcement officers have made the ultimate sacrifice.

In 1962, President Kennedy proclaimed May 15 as National Peace Officers Memorial Day and the calendar week in which May 15 falls, as National Police Week. Established by a joint resolution of Congress in 1962, National Police Week pays special recognition to those law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty for the safety and protection of others.

During this National Police Week we're especially grateful for the bravery and dedication of the men and woman who serve to keep Henniker safe and strong. Especially during these difficult times. Thank you for all you do!

On May 4 we celebrated International Firefighters' Day. Firefighters dedicate their lives to the protection of life and property. Sometimes that dedication is in the form of countless hours volunteered over many years, in others it is many selfless years working in the industry. In all cases it risks the ultimate sacrifice of a firefighter’s life.

International Firefighters’ Day (IFFD) is a time where the world’s community can recognize and honor the sacrifices that firefighters make to ensure that their communities and environment are as safe as possible. It is also a day in which current and past firefighters can be thanked for their contributions.

I want to thank the Henniker Fire Department for the selfless service they provide to the residents and businesses in Henniker.
EMS WEEK MAY 17-23, 2020
The 2020 EMS Week theme is "Ready Today. Preparing for Tomorrow." This theme, which was developed long before the COVID-19 crisis, is particularly meaningful now as we see the EMS community rallying to continuing to support those affected by this crisis, all while still responding to the everyday emergencies that continue to occur in their communities. All while dealing with challenges such as the lack of access to appropriate PPE and fellow workers who are stricken with this virus. Now more than ever, it is important that we honor and celebrate our EMS professionals who are supporting the health and well-being of our nation. Especially those brave individuals who give the ultimate sacrifice with their lives.

In 1969 the Rescue Squad was born as a result of tragedy. At that time there was no easy way to get someone to emergency medical care. Nine dedicated volunteers worked tirelessly to establish a reliable response network within the Town to offer this service. Since inception the Rescue Squad has striven to meet five simple goals; the visions of our founders:

  • To provide a necessary and adequate emergency medical service system to the Town of Henniker and the surrounding communities under appropriate mutual aid agreements. This service is to be the best possible, within the limits of this call organization.
  • To maintain a program of continuing training for all members of the Henniker Rescue Squad.
  • To promote and advance the interests of the Henniker Rescue Squad.
  • To promote the public welfare.
  • To maintain coordination with all the other agencies directly or indirectly involved with the Henniker Rescue Squad.

It was the vision of these men that set the precedence for all of us to live up to. We take great pride in carrying on the tradition that was started those 40 years ago. To that end we strive to maintain a diversified membership that responds at all levels of national certification.

So today, we’d like to take this opportunity to say “Thank you” to everyone who works for the Henniker Rescue Squad. Thank you for your time. Thank you for your dedication. Thank you for your caring, your compassion, and your devotion to patient care. Thank you for working long shifts and for holding over to cover late calls. Thank you for taking time away from your families.

What keeps a town running smoothly? Whether it be street resurfacing, operating the chipper service or providing snow and ice removal, it takes a team of versatile employees to provide some of the town’s most essential services.

The American Public Works Association "APWA" has celebrated the honor week since 1960 with the objective to increase public awareness of contributions public works employees make to the community, as well as teach the public about the duties, practices and goals of public works professionals. This year's theme according the APWA is "The Rhythm of Public Works".

The services provided here in Henniker would not be possible without the amazing staff who represent the Henniker Highway Department. I want to thank them all for the work they do here in Henniker.

A ny dog 4 months old or older is required by N. H. law to have a current license. Any adult dogs new to you or new to Henniker should be licensed immediately with the Town Clerk. All licenses expire annually on April 30th. Owners must present a valid rabies certificate and proof of spaying/neutering, if applicable, at the time of licensing. Failure to follow this procedure by June 1st will result in a $1.00 penalty for each month the owner is delinquent. The fees are as follows:
  • $9.00 Male/Female
  • $6.50 Spayed/Neutered
  • $2.00 Senior Citizen (65+ yrs. – first animal only)
  • $20.00 for group (5+ dogs)


The Town of Henniker's annual Memorial Day Parade for 2020 is, unfortunately, going to be canceled this year.

Select Board Meeting - May 19, 2020 at 6:15 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 950 9891 5709
Password: 657995
1 646 558 8656 
Meeting ID: 950 9891 5709
Password: 657995

It is, of course, possible that we could encounter some technical glitches as we commence use of videoconferencing. We'll be doing our level best to enable the public to stay engaged. We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. Participants will be provided a means of communicating any technical difficulties so that officials can make every effort to remedy the issue in real time.

In following various public health guidelines Henniker's Town Offices adapted to a largely virtual environment such that most in-person operations were curtailed. Employees have still been available to the public by phone or email for any assistance they might need and are scheduling appointments on a case-by-case basis. At this time, we will tentatively plan to continue the status quo through May 31, provided the Governor does not extend the Order to a later date. 

Efforts are now under way to plan for a potential resumption of “new normal” operations in June. We’ll likely recommend that the public wear masks when entering public buildings after that point in time, and other operational changes will be put in place.  


We are continuously updating our coronavirus web page with information and resources. You can access it here: Henniker COVID-19 Updates PDFs with information for residents and businesses are available via this link.
New England College

Dr. Michele Perkins has provided an update on operations over at NEC for the upcoming fall semester. "We are planning to be back on campus this fall at the usual time. Our senior team and our staff are working out a plan for a safe and productive academic year, and we will communicate that plan in the coming weeks." Working closely with New Hampshire health officials, NEC expects to use several measures to ensure campus safety, including:
  • Establishing hybrid learning where students or faculty who are at high risk or exhibit symptoms can continue to participate in classes while living remotely
  • Conducting rigorous sanitation of all locations
  • Staggering move-in times and dates
  • Limiting capacity in the dining hall
  • Maintaining social distancing in classrooms
  • Refraining from public and large-scale events

In the weeks ahead, NEC will fine tune its plans to ensure a safe, productive educational environment for everyone on campus for the fall semester. “While some things will understandably be different, NEC’s commitment to a quality educational experience for every student remains unwavering.”

With COVID-19 we are working toward making Henniker Town Hall and municipal services as virtual as practical given limitations in technology, staffing, regulations, and funding. Most transactions with the Town are now being processed via the Internet, email, telephone. At this point, there are exceptions only for unusual urgent situations where in-person transactions are necessary.

You can find a wealth of information about every Town department at our website  HERE . If you believe that you need to speak with a Town employee in person, please call the department first to discuss your situation. For board meetings including Select Board, Planning Board, and Zoning Board we will be using remote live participation for board members, presenters, and members of the public. We will distribute the number code for people to call in.

Here is information about various Town departments. All phone numbers are area code 603.

Town Clerk-Tax Collector 428-3240

Assessing 428-3221 x 102

Planning, Zoning, Land Use 428-3221 x 101

Finance Department 428-3221 x 104

Police Department 428-3213

Fire Department 428-7552

Henniker Rescue 428-7552

Transfer Station 428-7604

Highway Department 428-7200

The Town of Henniker is working on upgrading our website. We would love to have more images of Henniker. Are you a photographer? Do you like to take pictures? If so please share some of your favorites with us to possibly be featured on the new website.
Please email them to


Henniker Community Market 
Opening May 21

Every Thursday 4-7 pm
Community Center Park, 57 Main Street, Henniker 

During these challenging times, more and more people are realizing the value and resilience of a local food system. We are committed to providing our community with access to locally grown food.

These vendors will be at the market:

Kearsarge Gore Farm, Warner
Terra Organics, Contoocook 
Hop N Hen Farm, Henniker
Mink View Farm, Henniker 
Elior Acres, Bradford 
Abigail’s Bakery, Weare
Lucky 7 Farm, Washington

Products will include certified organic fruits and vegetables, pasture raised pork, beef, lamb, and chicken, eggs, maple syrup, goat milk & yogurt, and soap.

We encourage you to contact our vendors and arrange for pre-order if possible.
Terra Organics has vegetable CSA shares available for pick up at the market in Henniker. More info here: /

NH Community Seafood has CSF (Community Supported Fishery) shares available for pick up at the market. Support our local fishermen and eat the FRESHEST wild-caught fish and seafood all season! Learn more here:

Stay safe and see you at the market!
NH Secretary of State William Gardner and Attorney General Gordon MacDonald announced any voter may request an absentee ballot for the September 2020 Primary and November 2020 General Elections based on concerns regarding COVID-19. Learn more:…/secretary-state-and-attorney-gen…


Need to change party affiliation? Believe it or not, June 2 is the last day to change party before the State Primary on September 8. On that day (Tuesday June 2) Supervisors are supposed to be available at the town hall from 7:00 – 7:30 PM to accept any changes to the checklist, including new registrations and party changes. Details of that meeting will be forthcoming.  If you believe you have changed your party (meaning you voted at the February primary or other recent primary and did change your party either that day or after), check the following website to be sure: . If you changed your party AFTER the town election on March 10 it may not show up, although the changes should have been made. If you made that change up through the day of the town election and that website does not show it, we definitely need to know.  If you would like to make a party change before June 2, you may do so by calling the town clerk’s office between the hours of 8:00 and 4:30 on M-F. We are awaiting instructions from the Secretary of State’s office to see if these party changes can be made through the mail. As soon as we have official word on this, we will let you know.

Remember, if you come to the primary as Undeclared, you will choose which party you wish to vote that day. You may then return to Undeclared that day or any day after. However, you MAY NOT change party at a primary if you enter the polls as a Republican or a Democrat. There are always some people who forget to return to Undeclared after a primary (perhaps they voted absentee) and then are very unhappy the day of the next primary. There was some confusion about this at the Presidential Primary, but we hope to make sure everyone is aware of this well before September.

US Census 2020

New London is currently at 56.8% response rate. We are up from May 1st when we had a response rate of 54.1%. In 2010 Henniker managed a 69% rate and in 2000 we had an 82% response rate; let’s do better in 2020! Tell your friends—complete the census!

Our area food pantry is experiencing an increase in demand and would greatly appreciate donations of food or money so they can purchase needed items for families in need. Please consider using your resources to assist one of our local non-profit organizations serving the Henniker community. For more information on the Henniker Food Pantry including drop off locations please check here .

Joseph R. Devine, Jr - Town Administrator
Town of Henniker
a: 18 Depot Hill Rd., Henniker, NH 03242 USA
t: 603.428.3221 ext. 5  | e:  | w: