November 23, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving to You and Your Family!

This vintage photo is so similar to the flocks of wild turkeys roaming the fields of Union Vale this time of year. Please drive cautiously, as there are not only turkeys meandering too close to the roads, there are raccoons, rabbits, deer, opossums and plenty of darting hawks, many of which are being hit by speeding drivers. Take it slow and enjoy our beautiful wildlife!

Town Board Updates

The last two weeks have seen the culmination of months of work by the Town Board and the collective staff. The attachments and photos below will start to bring everyone up to date!

The 2023 Budget has been Adopted as of 11/16/22

Click Here for the 2023 Budget 

Since August we have been working on and preparing for the 2023 Budget. Inside you can read "The Budget Notes" which includes our successes for 2022 as well as the challenges for 2023 and the planning for an exciting new service in 2024 -- a new library.

The town budget, while still $38,000 under the tax cap will increase by $36,792 for 2023. That equates to 1.9%. It is collected by adding $.07 cents per thousand dollars of assessed value of each property. If your house is valued at $400,000, you will see an increase of $32 for your town taxes. To be clear, this is the town's budget only, not the fire department, county or school, none of which we control. All normal tax exemptions will apply however, to your town taxes.

We have had a good run, keeping your town taxes down or flat for 6 years. The dual challenges between inflation and increased energy costs meant we could not avoid the increase for 2023. As usual, we will do our best to manage your money prudently while running the town efficiently. Please call or write the Supervisor or Councilmen if you have any questions.

Town Center District - Zoning Updates Completed

Public Hearing Scheduled for 12/21/22

Last February, the Town Board passed a local law to impose a moratorium on the Town Center (TC) zoning district which runs primarily through Rt. 55. The effect of this moratorium was to force a pause on any new applications so the Town Board could pass new zoning regulations that make it -- easier for applicants to design and build a project, more consistent with the town's Master/Comprehensive Plan, and to establish new design standards that are more hamlet-like. Smaller, specialty stores and social places for teens and adults to frequent were on the lists of requests from many residents.

Everyone involved with the Working Group, the Planning Board and the Town Board worked hard on this project which aligns the zoning regulations with a commercial / residential vision that we hope everyone will be proud of in the future. Please see the attached proposed changes of all related TC District documents. Feel free to call the Town Supervisor, Planning Board Chair or any Councilman with questions. All contact information is on our website. We look forward to seeing you and hearing your comments on December 21st at 7:00 pm.

Town Center New Zoning Map (DRAFT)
Resolution of Introduction - Announcing the Public Hearing
Design Standards (new)
Updated USE Regulations
Area BULK (Dimensions) Regulations 
Zoning Chapter 210
Subdivsion of Land Chapter 192
Fees, Land Use Chapter 128
Street Specifications chapter A 215
Street Specifications Attachment Ato Chapter A 215

New Flooring for Town Hall - Installed Last Friday

The Town Board recently voted to upgrade the floors in town hall by removing the old, stained carpet from the main hallway. For practical purposes (longevity, ease of cleaning and because they harbor fewer allergens) we agreed to installing luxury vinyl plank flooring. Here are some before and after photos. We hope you like the cleaner, healthier upgrade!

More town updates to follow after Thanksgiving. We hope everyone has a wonderful day with your friends and families!

Yours truly,


Town Supervisor

(845) 724-5600 ext. 110

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Parks & Rec

Equestrian Center

TB Meetings


Highway Dept


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845-724-5600 |
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