Operation Christmas Child
The September items of the month are games like: checkers, small travel games, etc.  Please remember everything must be able to fit in the Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes.  You can place your donated items in the lobby in the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox bin under the coat rack located between the restroom doors.
Financial Update

Annual Budget:                             $221,968.04
YTD Budget Week 36                  $153,670.32
YTD Actual Giving:                     $157,435.24

Thank you to those who generously continue to give
to support Town Center financially!
Posture of the Heart?
by Kerry Lighty

When I think of the phrase, “posture of the heart”, many images come to mind.  Yet, for me the one overriding theme tying them together is sincerity.  At the core of our hearts, we know whether we are being honest.  And the same is true when it comes to prayer.  God understands our hearts.  You can’t fake true prayer.  Amid a proper posture of the heart, we are more apt to hear what God is saying to us.  With this in mind, let’s look at some examples of the A.C.T.S. method of prayer through the lens of sincerity.
Adoration:  There’s an occasion in the Old Testament where King David requests the people of Israel to donate their treasures to the building of the Temple of God.  David had already emptied all his personal coffers for the cause.  The people responded in kind and gave generously as well.  Afterward, King David publicly praised God by stating, “We adore you as the one who is over all things.”  King David was truly moved, not only by the people’s outpouring of gifts, but ultimately by the source of the gifts themselves, God.  It is vitally important that we know the Wellspring of our blessings, and not just seek the blessings themselves.  (1 Ch 29:10-12 NLT)
Confession:  Isaiah had a moment of heartfelt confession.  It began when he saw the Lord.  He was confronted by the awesome holiness of the Almighty.  Then he exclaimed, “I have filthy lips.”  The scriptures teach that our words overflow from our hearts.  Here Isaiah was admitting that his heart was also evil.  We should regularly ask the Holy Spirit to examine our hearts and show us any wickedness that needs to be confessed.  (Is 6:5 NLT)
Thanksgiving:  There are many things to give thanks for, but one stands out.  Can anything be more valuable than salvation through Jesus?  Because Jesus died and rose again, we can have eternal life and be called children of the Most High!  Wow!  Now that will make your heart grateful.   (Ro 7:24-25 NLT)
Supplication:  When it comes to asking God for our needs, we don’t need to use a bazillion words and keep repeating the same thing over.  I find comfort in this.  God hears us the first time.  We may not always be the best listeners, but He hears our words and our hearts.  (Mt 6:7 NLT)
“Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him.” Ps 62:5 (NLT)
Gatherings at Town Center Church

Men's Study Group - Mondays at 6:30 pm
Ladies Study Group - Thursdays at 12 pm
Prayer Gathering - Thursdays at 7:00 pm

Grateful Gathering - Wednesdays - Meal@5:15 pm, Service @6:30 pm

For more info visit the About Us Page on our website here.
My Neighbors
Listed is a website so you can see who all your neighbors are in your surrounding area.  Just go to blesseveryhome.com and you will see the names of your neighbors.  The vision is so every home in America would be adopted by neighboring Christians who are committed to ministering to them through long-term, pray-care-share lifestyles.
Food Box Donations
We are in need of easy prepared dry or canned goods to fill our Food Box located on the east side parking lot.  Several in need have been coming by to pick up donations.  Please leave donations in a black crate located on Dale Rhynearson’s porch (gray house across from the church) or contact Dale Rhynearson if you have any questions.
Congregational Care Team
We do have a Congregational Care Team that will assist with hospital visits, bereavement, visitor follow-up, and other congregational care needs. Carolyn Bullock is leading this team, so you can contact her through the church office or by email at [email protected]
Sunday Worship Services 
Our Sunday services are live streaming on YouTube and on Facebook. Here is the link for YouTube:

This link will also be on our website here: http://towncenter.church
This E-Newsletter is a publication of Town Center Church of God - Mooresville, IN