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January 10, 2025

LOBA Winter Town Hall Meeting

Bethune United Church, Baysville

Saturday January 25, 2025

9:30 to 10:15 a.m. Coffee

10:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Town Hall

12:00 p.m. Lunch

Keynote Speaker from

Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare

Join Association directors for a report on LOBA's activities and accomplishments, greetings and updates from local elected officials, and a keynote speaker from Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare.

After the meeting, lunch will be served in the church hall.

Share this invitation with anyone who might be interested in attending - the meeting is open to all. If you plan to attend, please email Lili Davis-Burchat at info@loba.ca by January 22 (so we can plan for lunch).

Hope to see you there!

From the Township of Lake of Bays:

Roads License Agreement Update - As part of the ongoing review and public engagement regarding the Roads License Agreement (RLA) Program and the moratorium implemented earlier this year, the Township of Lake of Bays has released a Draft Report on the program which will be presented and discussed at the January 14, 2025 Council Meeting. No final decisions will be made at this meeting, as it will focus on presenting and discussing the report. The report will remain open for public review and comment before being brought back to Council for further consideration. The public is encouraged to attend the meeting and view the presentation before submitting written comments or delegation requests for future meetings.

Interested members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting in-person (1012 Dwight Beach Road, Dwight) or they may observe the proceedings by accessing the live webcast on the Township’s YouTube Channel.

Public engagement will continue after the meeting, with staff accepting input, questions, and recommendations from the public. The final report will be presented at the February 11, 2025, Council meeting, where a decision on the program and its moratorium will be made.

View the Draft Report: Future of the Roads License Agreement Program

View the Council Meeting Agenda: Tuesday January 14, 2025 Council Meeting Agenda

The Township encourages everyone to subscribe to the news and public notices on their dedicated Roads License Agreement Webpage at lakeofbays.on.ca/RLA.

LOBA Involvement

LOBA continues to monitor this Program and will comment after the Council meeting if needed.

Official Plan Review - The Township of Lake of Bays is continuing the process of reviewing and updating its Official Plan. An Official Plan outlines the Township’s policies regarding land use and development, ensuring that it reflects the community's specific needs and aligns with current provincial policies. The review process aims to gather input from residents and stakeholders to shape the future of land use planning in the area.

Discussion Papers for Public Review

Discussion Papers have been published for public review and comment, focusing on Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation, Managing Future Growth, Shoreline Development, and Protecting the Natural Environment. Interested parties are encouraged to review the discussion papers on the Township’s website at lakeofbays.on.ca/OfficialPlan.

Public Information Session

A virtual Public Information Session will be held introducing the project, sharing preliminary background research results, and providing an opportunity for attendees to ask questions and provide input for the Township’s new Official Plan.

Date: January 29, 2025

Time: 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Location: Online via Zoom (visit lakeofbays.on.ca/OfficialPlan for the participation link)

LOBA Involvement

Two volunteers from the LOBA Planning Development and Government Relations Team are reviewing the Discussion Papers, monitoring progress on the Review, and will be attending a Stakeholder Focus Group before the Public Information Session. They will continue to monitor, comment and share important information with LOBA members throughout the Official Plan Review process.

LOBA's focus will be on a balanced approach to Shoreline Development that protects the natural environment.

If you would like to provide comments on the Official Plan Review, please email April Best-Sararas, Director of Planning Services at the Township, at abest-sararas@lakeofbays.on.ca, AND copy the Lake of Bays Association at info@loba.ca.

For more information about the project, its status and upcoming public engagement opportunities, visit lakeofbays.on.ca/OfficialPlan.

From the District of Muskoka:

Lake System Health Survey - Lakes in Muskoka are vital to the well-being of our community, environment, and economy. The District has Lake System Health policies for waterfront development that are based on science and evolving stressors to balance development and protection. 

Through the Muskoka Official Plan Comprehensive Review, the District is updating the existing Lake System Health policies to address emerging environmental challenges such as

  • climate change,
  • water quality concerns,
  • and shoreline development.

Public input is critical to ensure this policy update is informed by the experiences, concerns, and priorities of our community. The District has launched a survey to gather this information. 

The District invites you to complete the survey. Feedback will directly inform policies that incorporate environmental, economic, and community interests. The survey can be accessed at the following link and is open until February 6, 2025: Lake System Health Survey

Please feel free to forward to friends, family and colleagues that live, work or play in Muskoka. Thank you for playing an important role in protecting lakes in Muskoka for future generations. 

LOBA Involvement

Volunteers from the LOBA Environment Team will be attending a workshop on January 30 to discuss key challenges and opportunities, and are also meeting in advance of the workshop to provide initial insights and perspectives.

We encourage you to take the survey. you don't have to be a water sampler, scientist or planner to provide your perspective. It only takes a few minutes to complete, it is anonymous, and you can skip questions you prefer not to answer.

Take the Survey: Lake System Health Survey

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Reading, Interesting Links and Events

photo by Kara Helm

2023 photo contest submission

Through education, advocacy and engagement, our mission is to foster a

healthy natural environment, responsible waterfront development, a thriving community, and a Lake of Bays shared respectfully and safely by all.

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