Official Plan Review - The Township of Lake of Bays is continuing the process of reviewing and updating its Official Plan. An Official Plan outlines the Township’s policies regarding land use and development, ensuring that it reflects the community's specific needs and aligns with current provincial policies. The review process aims to gather input from residents and stakeholders to shape the future of land use planning in the area.
Discussion Papers for Public Review
Discussion Papers have been published for public review and comment, focusing on Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation, Managing Future Growth, Shoreline Development, and Protecting the Natural Environment. Interested parties are encouraged to review the discussion papers on the Township’s website at
Public Information Session
A virtual Public Information Session will be held introducing the project, sharing preliminary background research results, and providing an opportunity for attendees to ask questions and provide input for the Township’s new Official Plan.
Date: January 29, 2025
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Location: Online via Zoom (visit for the participation link)
LOBA Involvement
Two volunteers from the LOBA Planning Development and Government Relations Team are reviewing the Discussion Papers, monitoring progress on the Review, and will be attending a Stakeholder Focus Group before the Public Information Session. They will continue to monitor, comment and share important information with LOBA members throughout the Official Plan Review process.
LOBA's focus will be on a balanced approach to Shoreline Development that protects the natural environment.
If you would like to provide comments on the Official Plan Review, please email April Best-Sararas, Director of Planning Services at the Township, at, AND copy the Lake of Bays Association at
For more information about the project, its status and upcoming public engagement opportunities, visit