Sewer Trunk Connection & Road Closures
The Memorial Trunk Sewer project is set to replace a failing sanitary sewer main.

Work will commence the week of March 23 (dependent on the delivery of materials). A small section of Highway 19A will be closed (see pic) for 1-2 days, with detours marked.

For more details visit our website here
Memorial Ave Sound Fence
The sound fence on Memorial Ave (between Sunningdale and Village Way) is coming along!

This portion of the trial will be closed for pedestrians up until late this week or early next week while crews complete the work.

For more details on the project visit our website here .
School Connector Update
Great Blue Herons have returned to their nests along Hoylake Road! The herons’ nests were spotted by the project biologist working on the School Connector Route, and were not previously identified by the Province.

As a result the Town is working closely with the Province to ensure a safe distance is kept from the nests. The herons are currently flying to and from their nests, and during this time, work can continue, but once the birds are nesting, work will halt all together. A monitor is currently watching the nests, and work is paused when the birds return. The heron numbers are increasing, so happily it looks like the heron nesting continues undisturbed.

This portion of the trail will be completed in the Summer once the chicks have left their nests.

The trail will is able to be used, but the public is advised to keep dogs on leash and not make any loud noises. Signage will be posted to notify of the area affected.

Affordable Housing FAQ
Following recent information meetings regarding housing and rezoning at Railway St and Village Way surveys are being received and compiled.

We have also created this Frequently Asked Questions sheet that we hope will help with any questions! 

You can also see a summary of the public information notes here!

For more information visit our website.

Bus Garage Open House II
Over 200 people attended the recent Qualicum Commons / Bus Garage Open House! Thanks to the students at  Vancouver Island University Master of Community Planning  for their excellent work 

Presentation boards are available here !

Airport Parking Project
Lights are going up at the airport parking area! 

Other additions include paving of the area, installation of lighting, security cameras and a pay parking kiosk! These changes are designed to make parking safer and more efficient for long term parking!

For more information visit our website !