Volume 06 | October 2020
Monthly News & Updates
  • Message from Mayor Allen
  • Town Updates
  • H2GO - Reverse Osmosis Groundbreaking
  • COVID-19 Update
  • Hurricane Preparation
  • Park Grant
  • Road Repairs
  • Town Recognition
  • Hurricane Isaias
  • Park Swing Dedication
  • William Long - Summer Intern
  • Meetings
  • Project Updates
  • Website
  • Town Hall Meetings
  • Staffing
  • Town Sign
  • Events
  • Updates
  • Skarure Woccon Virtual Harvest Festival
  • Drive-In by the River
  • Brunswick Riverwalk at Belville
  • Park Updates
Message from Mayor Allen
Fall is in the air which marks an important milestone - we are getting closer to the end of this year's hurricane season!! Though these few weeks have been difficult for many, the pure selflessness of people who have helped us get through these tough days continues to warm my heart. We have acknowledged many of these organizations and individuals through Town Resolutions - and rightly so! These include Sherriff John Ingram and the Brunswick County Sheriff's Department, Town of Leland Fire/Rescue, Eight Days of Hope, Evan Stallard, Wrightsville Beach Baptist Church, Johnson Environmental & Disaster Consulting Services, State Tree Service and Old Sarge's Tree Removal. Each of these groups or individuals, whether on their own or when called, stepped up to help get our Town back on its feet and begin returning us to some sense of normal. We will be formally be thanking in upcoming Board Meetings. So, thank you all - those that we know about and those that have helped anonymously. You are truly the definition of a community!!

I also have cautious optimism that we are nearing the end of our COVID-19 Pandemic. With new cases going down, continuing to take our safety precautions and the promise of a vaccine in the near future, I am hopeful the worst is behind us and things will be brighter in 2021 . We are not out of the woods just yet, so continue practicing the 3 "W's" - wearing year masks, washing your hands and waiting by practicing your social distancing.

Even with these two issues weighing heavily on our minds, your Town continues to move forward with big things in our future! Our park continues to see growth and development with wireless internet, security improvements and improved sound systems in our pavilion. The Farmer's Market is going strong and continues to be a town favorite. We are beginning repairs to the boardwalk damaged by the Hurricane Isaias and hope to have that open soon. Our new sign will be up in the next few weeks, as well as our new website. And this is just the beginning!

Stay safe and take care of each other!


Mike Allen, Mayor
Town of Belville
Town Updates
H2GO - Reverse Osmosis Plant
This week, Governor Cooper issued Executive Order 169 placing North Carolina into Phase III starting on October 2nd at 5 PM through October 23rd. This new phase of the COVID-19 response eases some restrictions including opening large outdoor venues (more than 10,000) to 7% capacity and smaller outdoor venues and outdoor bars, movie theaters, amusement parks and conference centers to no more than 100 people or 30% capacity, which ever is smaller. Mass gatherings will remain limited to 25 people indoors and 50 outdoors and an 11pm curfew on alcohol sales for in-person consumption at restaurant and outdoor bars was extended.
Hurricane Preparation
Though we gotten through the most active month for hurricane season (September), the season officially ends November 30, so we have a few months left to stay prepared.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is still calling for a busy hurricane season. We have gotten through the traditionally busiest month for hurricanes, seeing 13 named storms, 8 of which were hurricanes but now is not the time to let down our guard. Keep your hurricane emergency gears and supplies ready and ensure they include the following:

  • Fresh batteries
  • Testing your generator
  • Have fuel for generator
  • Keep automobiles fueled
  • Store non-perishable foods
  • Store fresh drinking water
  • Have a plan for pets
  • Know your evacuation route
  • Have a battery operated radio with a weather alert
  • Ensure all prescriptions are full
  • Ensure your inventory of your home is current (Insurance purposes)

A more detailed list can be found at the Brunswick County Hurricane Survival Page.
These are also great links and resources to also get you ready and help you deal with a hurricane during and after an event:

We encourage those with special needs to register with the Brunswick County Emergency Services, filling out the form with the link provided.

Also, if you have pets, please contact the Town of Belville to register them in case they may be lost during storms or other events.
Road Repairs
We continue to work with NCDOT on road repairs as well as addressing issues on Town roads. Please contact the Town if you need to report any issues.
(1)   Gregory Road – NCDOT completed their first phase of repairs to the entrance apron of Gregory Road. They returned to the area on September 29th to begin outlining additional work to the shoulders and drainage area as well as outlining additional paving of the roadway which should begin in October.
Town Recognition
Hurricane Isaias
On Monday, September 27th, at the monthly Board of Commissioners Meeting, the Belville Board passed several resolutions thanking multiple organizations and individuals for their response and assistance during Hurricane Isaias. It is truly humbling the amount of selflessness and aid these individuals provided that directly contributed to the rapid return to normalcy that our Town has been fortunate to experience after such a devastating weather event. Though we know many are still struggling to repair the personal damage, the Town is proud of the efforts made to ensure Belville

Pastor John McIntyre and the Wrightsville Beach Baptist Church

Barry Johnson and Johnson Environmental and Disaster Consulting Services

Suzanne Charles and State Tree Services, Inc.

Greg Bannerman and Old Sarge's Tree Removal
Park Swing Dedication - David Mabry
The Board also thanked David Mabry for his generous and heartfelt dedication of a park swing in memory of his friend, Leslie Blaylock, who passed away after her battle with colon cancer on June 11th, 2020. Mr. Mabry shared with the Board that it was the wish of Ms. Blaylock to have the swing placed in the park on her behalf so that others could enjoy the park as much as she did. This touching tribute to her memory was greatly appreciated by both the Park Staff and Board Members.
William Long - Summer Intern
The Board took the time to recognize the commitment and dedication to our summer intern, William Long, son of Commissioner David Long. Will, a senior at North Brunswick High School, became an important part of our team assisting in many areas of the Town including information systems, administration, finance, parks and recreation, emergency management and public works. This hands-on experience will greatly help Will in his pursuit of a public administration degree next year. Best of luck and great job!! Thank you, Will!!
The schedule of upcoming meetings for October are:

  1. Planning Board - October 6th at 6:30 PM.
  2. Parks and Recreation Board - October 8th at 6:00 PM
  3. Board of Commissioners - Special Meeting - October 19th at 6:00 PM
  4. ABC Board - October 20th at 6:30 PM
  5. Board of Commissioners – October 26th at 6:30 PM

Please check with the Town or follow press releases and notifications for meeting cancellations and changes.
Project Updates
(1)   Website Redesign – Delays caused by our payment program pushed back the launch date of our website, which is now projected to be on-line in early October.
(2)   Audio/Visual Upgrades – We continue to use Zoom but additional training is required for the proper deployment of this program. Postings of meetings should begin again shortly.
(3)   Additional Staffing – We are close to bringing an Economic Developer and Planner into our staff to begin coordinating with business and developers for the future of Belville's planned growth. This growth will continue to focus, respect and preserve our Town's natural beauty and green spaces.
Note: Sign has a tan background and grass in seal more dark green - photo transfer altered these colors.
(4)  Town Sign – We have installed the base and are awaiting the completion of the sign itself which is projected to be completed within the next few weeks. Lighting for the sign will be added shortly thereafter along with flags and landscaping! This project should be completed by the end of October.
Program Updates
The following events have been cancelled due to COVID-19:
Founders' Day – October 10th
6th Annual Owl Howl - October 24th
Bikes, Brews and BBQ – October 31st
Unity Christmas Parade - December 15th

The following programs have been added or will continue as scheduled:
Pumpkin Patch – October 1st – 31st
Skarure Woccon Virtual Harvest Festival - October 9th - 10th
Drive-In by the River – October 24th
Veteran's Day - Tentatively scheduled for November 20th
o Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony – December 5th
Skarure Woccon Virtual Harvest Festival
Drive-in by the River
The Parks and Recreation Board voted and submitted to the Board of Commissioners a proposal for a movie night scheduled for October 24th at 7 PM. Unanimously approved by the BOC, "Drive-In by the River" will feature the movie "Hocus Pocus", utilizing the parking lot in the park for a drive-in movie theater experience. This free event will allow for viewing inside your vehicle. Food truck vendors are being contacted to provide food and snacks to enjoy while watching the movie. Participation will be on a first come, first serve bases with staff present to coordinate parking. If all goes well, we will look to repeat this for our Christmas movie and maybe for future events.
Brunswick Riverwalk at Belville
For additional updates and information about our Park, please visit our Facebook Page!!

o Park Updates
Debris removal and repairs continue on our trails and docks which should be open shortly. We are also looking at adding a new tree next to the pavilion to be used as our new Christmas Tree which will be more centrally located for our lighting ceremony!
Also, our new WiFi system was featured in this months edition of the Leland Magazine (Pages 23 - 25)
On September 19th, Bryndan Taylor and Troop 747 installed new park benches as part of his Eagle Scout Project. An Eagle Scout Project, the most difficult advancement requirement in Scouting, demonstrates the Scouts ability to plan, develop and coordinate a project that is both beneficial to the community and shows the Scouts leadership ability. These benches will be a great asset to the Town for years to come. Thank you Bryndan and Troop 747 for choosing to do your project in our Park - a job well done!

o  Riverwalk Farmers' Market
, Little Boys Produce, and Seaview Crab Company. Market hours are currently 11-6 Fridays, 10-6 Saturdays and 10-4 Sundays.
The Eagles Island Community Rowing is currently using facilities at our Park and, though some activities are now restricted due to COVID-19, they encourage those interested to contact them for more information.
o  Riverwalk Veterans' Memorial
Come visit our Veteran's Memorial, located in the back of our Town Park. For more information on adding a name to our memorial, please contact Jim Bucher or go directly to Polar Engraving to place your order.