Wainwright currently has 11 doctors and 6 medical clinics in addition to the Wainwright Health Centre (Hospital), Primary Care Network (PCN), Public Health and many other health services. The health services provided locally continues to grow with the addition of the laparoscopic tower and CT scanner.
“Wainwright is fortunate to have many health services available; however, access to a family doctor continues to be a concern” stated Chair of the Wainwright & District Doctor Recruitment Committee Bill Lawson.
The Doctor Recruitment Committee has been working hard for years on the attraction and recruitment of physicians to our community. Since 2013, 9 doctors have been recruited to practice in Wainwright. With a couple of physicians relocating to other areas and several physicians nearing retirement, the Committee identified a high need for recruitment. They have been conducting site tours for over a year to entice physicians to relocate to Wainwright, understanding that the process can be very lengthy.
“Three physicians have recently been recruited to Wainwright and are in varying stages of the necessary assessments that are required for them to be licensed by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta,” explains Dr. Michael Mulholland, Zone Medical Director with Alberta Health Services’ Central Zone. “This is very positive news for the community and the surrounding area as these physicians will perform a full scope of practice for patients. We are grateful to the Wainwright & District Doctor Recruitment Committee for their ongoing support and collaboration in recruiting physicians, and look forward to continuing to work with them to support local healthcare.”
“Once their start dates are confirmed, the community will be notified and we trust that these new doctors will be welcomed with open arms,” said Bill Lawson.
The Wainwright Doctor Recruitment Committee has been working to attract physicians to Wainwright since 1997.
For more information, please connect with Committee Contact Carley Herbert at 780-842-3381 or cherbert@wainwright.ca