Please note that you are receiving the Town Tidbits in advance of your utility bill. Your utility bill will follow at a later date in a separate email.

Town facilities are closed on January 1.


KidSport Wainwright has funded a record number of athletes in 2023. Nearly 100 children in the area have received support, totaling almost $26,000. Kidsport offers the opportunity for ALL children to take part in organized sport in our community and area.

We are very happy to have the ability to fund this many children and families. Thank you for your generous support!

Kidsport Wainwright Website


Business license renewals have been mailed out. The deadline to pay your renewal is January 31, 2024.

You may pay by mail, credit card on the Town website or app or in person at the Town Office. Failure to renew may result in fines and penalties and/or cancellation of your business license.

Please visit wainwright.ca for further information on business licensing.

Click on the below image to view larger version of

Business License Frequently Asked Questions.

Please click on above image to view larger version of 2024 Utility Rates.


Residents are reminded NOT TO FLUSH household cleaning wipes, baby wipes, grease, fats, oils, feminine hygiene products, plastic bags, and disposable gloves. Please do your part to protect our sewage infrastructure.


Tuesday – Thursday January 2 to 4:

  • 1:30-3:30pm Public Skating sponsored by Bunge in the VCU Financial Arena
  • 1:30-3:30pm Shinny sponsored by Bunge in the Vision Credit Union Arena

Friday January 5:

  • 12:00-1:00pm Adult Drop In Shinny. $10 each. Vision Credit Union Arena
  • 1:00-2:00pm Parent and Tot Skating sponsored by Bunge in VCU Financial Arena
  • 2:00-3:45pm Public Skating sponsored by Bunge in the VCU Financial Arena
  • 2:00-4:00pm Shinny sponsored by Bunge in the Vision Credit Union Arena

Extra Public Swimming times at the Cplex Pool on top of regular weekday and weekend hours are:

  • Jan 2 to 5 from 1:00-3:00pm.

The schedule is subject to change with little notice, for updates please check the schedule on the website for more information https://wainwright.ca/living/parks-recreation/

During public skating helmets are mandatory for anyone under the age of 18 and recommended for all. During shinny helmets are mandatory for all. Horseplay will not be tolerated. Public Skating and Shinny are use at your own risk and adult supervision is recommended. Please read the posted rules and respect fellow skaters.

The Town is still looking for a regular shinny sponsor, if you or someone you know is interested, please contact recreation@wainwright.ca


View the Communiplex Winter Swimming Fitness Program Guide below:

CPlex Winter Swimming Fitness Program Guide


Click HERE for FREE tickets


As the snow removal season approaches, please be aware that curb ramps need to be removed in order to facilitate more effective street cleaning! Thank you.


We encourage residents to go paperless! If you are still getting your utility bill in the mail (or if you use online banking or auto pay and get a copy in the mail) please contact the Town Office at 780.842.3381 or email utilities@wainwright.ca to provide your email address.

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While every effort is made to ensure the currency, accuracy and completeness of the information provided, the Town of Wainwright is not liable for any loss, claim or demand arising directly or indirectly from any use or reliance upon the information provided.