Please note that you are receiving the Town Tidbits in advance of your utility bill. Your utility bill will follow at a later date in a separate email.


What is EPR?

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) shifts recycling costs and responsibilities from municipalities and taxpayers to producers. This means companies that create products will handle their collection, sorting, and recycling instead of local government.

Why does it matter?

  • Higher recycling rates - Producers are responsible for recycling the products they create meaning fewer products end up in landfills.
  • Economic benefits - More jobs, investment, and growth in Alberta's circular economy.
  • Lower costs for taxpayers - Municipalities no longer pay for the recycling of single-use products, packaging and printed paper products.

What are the changes for residents?

  • It is expected to be a seamless transition for residents. Further information to follow.
  • The $6.87 monthly recycling fee will be removed starting with the April Town bill which will be mailed out in May.
More Information



Only 11 of the 100 spots remain for Town of Wainwright residents in the FoodCycler pilot program. Transform your kitchen scraps into nutrient-rich compost and reduce the amount of waste going into our landfill!

  • Pilot Program: April to June 2025
  • Enjoy an enhanced 3-year warranty

Those that have already registered will be contacted in the coming weeks with further details.

Register Here

Participants will be asked to track how often they run the FoodCycler in a 12-week period using a supplied simple tracking sheet and complete a brief exit survey. At the end of the 12-week period, we hope participants will continue to use the FoodCycler units to divert food waste from the landfill!

More Information
View Video
Register Here


The nomination period for the 2025 general election began on January 1, 2025, and will run until 12:00 p.m. on nomination day: Monday, September 22, 2025.

Candidate Eligibility

A person may be nominated in any election under Section 21 of the Local Authorities Election Act if the person:

  • is eligible to vote in the election;
  • has resided in the municipality for six consecutive months immediately preceding nomination day; and
  • is not otherwise ineligible.

Submitting your Nomination Form

Candidates who seek nomination for office must bring into the Town Office (1018 - 2 Avenue) the following:

Find Complete Election Information Here


Did you know the Town of Wainwright offers a pre-authorized tax payment plan? This is a popular program which allows you to pay your property taxes monthly, instead of one payment in June. 

Each year, property taxes are billed in April, due June 30th, and cover the period from January 1 to December 31.

With this plan, your property taxes are paid in installments over 12 months, from January to December. Payments are automatically withdrawn from your bank account on the 15th of each month. 

Your monthly payment amount is calculated by dividing your most recent tax levy by 12. When you receive your annual tax notice in April, your May payment amount will be adjusted to reflect the actual tax levy, ensuring your account is paid in full by the end of the year.

For more information, please contact our Tax Department at 780-842-3381 or

**If you are already enrolled in our pre-authorized tax payment plan and would like to verify your monthly payment amount, please contact our Tax Department.**


The Downtown Vacant Spaces Incentive is a limited pilot program designed to provide up to $2,500.00 in start-up costs for entrepreneurs to activate vacant street-level commercial spaces in the C1 - Commercial Central District.

The incentive is available to businesses that take occupance of a commercial space that has been vacant for at least three (3) months.

Funding to a maximum of $2,500.00 per successful application may be used to cover 50% of eligible startup costs.

To find out more, please contact Economic Development Officer Carley Herbert or visit

Apply Here


We encourage residents to go paperless! If you are still getting your utility bill in the mail (or if you use online banking or auto pay and get a copy in the mail) please contact the Town Office at 780-842-3381 or email to provide your email address.

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While every effort is made to ensure the currency, accuracy and completeness of the information provided, the Town of Wainwright is not liable for any loss, claim or demand arising directly or indirectly from any use or reliance upon the information provided.