Monthly E-Newsletter

Town of Weaverville

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Weaverville's Annual Holiday Parade Sat. December 7th

Kick off the holiday season with the annual Weaverville Holiday Parade! The parade route begins at the Post Office, please see map attached. Spectators may line up along Main Street to view the parade.

The entire parade route and all intersecting streets will be closed from approximately 11 am – 1 pm. This time frame is subject to change, depending on the parade duration.

Parking on Main Street will be prohibited during this event. Please plan to park in areas other than the street for the event. Prohibited parking violations will be enforced.

Public Works Department Garbage Collection Information

Town of Weaverville Public Works Department Garbage Collection Guidelines for the side loader garbage truck. All residents are required to use a town garbage container and follow the guidelines. If you have any questions, please call Public Works Department at: (8282) 645-0606.

If you have any questions about these new procedures, garbage collections, or grapple truck loading and debris clean-up questions in Weaverville, please contact Public Works at 828-645-0606.

Debris collections also by FEMA sub-contractor Southern Disaster Recovery. SDR crews are sweeping through collecting debris in our area and this contractor uses a system called ‘Air Curtain Debris’ burn or ‘Air Curtain Incinerator’, where a limited amount of smoke is emitted from this type of campfire operation. Please view the YouTube video for this control burn process:

Questions, call the Weaverville Fire Department at: Phone: (828) 645-3500

Town Hall and Offices Closed December 24th, 25th, & 26th 

Town Hall and Offices will be closed December 24th, 25th, and 26th in observance of the Christmas Holiday. And January 1st for New Year's Day.

Happy Holidays to all on behalf of the Town of Weaverville!

Weaverville Police Department supports Cops for Kids

A Message from Weaverville's Police Department:

Cops for Kids reminder.

I would like to take this chance to remind anyone who would like to help in this year's Cops for Kids program that there is still time. The Weaverville Police Department has partnered with the Weaverville Primary and Weaverville Elementary schools to ensure they have the means to provide gifts and other essential needs to less fortunate children in our community during this holiday season and beyond. 

This has been a particularly hard season due to so many families being impacted by Hurricane Helene. If you are able to donate a monetary gift to the Cops for Kids program, 100% of that donation will go to the above mentioned schools and will directly benefit the children of those schools and their families. 

Please bring any monetary donations to the Weaverville Police Department at 30 South Main Street during regular business hours or mail to Weaverville Police Department at PO Box 338 Weaverville NC 28787. 

Thank you, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 

Sergeant Andy Mace, Community Resource Officer​             

  • Questions -(828) 645-5700 call Mon - Fri 9:00- 4:30 Administrative Hours

Weaverville/Buncombe County Property Owner Tax Information


Your Property Tax Bill Information:

NO property Reappraisal! Buncombe County Commissioners voted to delay the property reappraisal until 2026.

For Weaverville & Buncombe County property owners, property tax notices (bills) were mailed and due Sept. 1, with a four-month grace period that allows you to pay through Jan. 5, 2026 without penalty. You can also find your property tax bill information at

For information on Payment Plans such as the Casual Payment Plan or the Preauthorized Debit Payment Plan, or tax relief eligibility, homeowner grant program, call the Tax Collection Account Representatives at (828) 250-4910 or for more information go to:

The Weaverville Fire Department PSA

Town of Weaverville Last chance to Buy-a-Brick

Want to honor or memorialize someone special, your family, or an organization?

There is one more time to commemorate a loved one at the Weaverville Community Center and purchase a brick today! click here: Buy-a-brick program 

The Weaverville Business Association's Candlelight Stroll

Sponsored by the Weaverville Business Association

The 19th Annual Candlelight Stroll is a cherished, annual community event bringing folks to Main Street (and the Community Center!) to do some holiday shopping, spread good cheer, and celebrate the season together.

Evening Schedule:

Tree Lighting: 6:00 pm, The Weaverville Tree on Main Street

Storytelling, Music, Gifts, Kids Crafts, and a Shuttle Service to Town: The Community Center and The Dry Ridge Museum offer a full night of festivities, AND a ride from Lake Louise to Main Street. 

Scavenger Hunt – Sponsored by Leveller: Holiday characters are hidden throughout Main Street! 

Santa: As usual, Santa is hosted by Keller Williams Realty!

Cops 4 Kids: Donation jars are dispersed along Main Street.

Festive Singing and Caroling: North Buncombe High School Choir will kick- off by singing at the Tree Lighting, and then caroling through Town.

  • Aabani Salon- 25% off all products and a raffle benefitting a local WNC family
  • Blue Ridge Properties Group- Snacks, Refreshments, Raffle, possibly face painting and pictures with the Grinch
  • Curtis Wright- Hot cider and snacks
  • Fresh Aire Spa & Salon- Warm food, wine, cookies, give aways
  • Goosmann Rose Colvard & Cramer- Hot tea and crafts
  • Honey & the Hive- Honey sticks
  • Keller Williams- Santa is returning again this year
  • Maggie B’s Wine - Wine tasting
  • Mangum Pottery- Kids clay table, music, and refreshments
  • Mary’s Mountain Cookies- Cookies
  • Meadowbrooke Bridal- Champagne & Chili
  • State Farm Ins. - Brownies and Swag
  • The Never Ending Flower Farm- Wassel/coffee/kids craft
  • Trout Insurance- St Nickolos, oranges and gold coins, chocolate
  •  Weaver House- Fundraiser for Hurricane Relief, adult and kid beverages for purchase, candy canes for kids of all ages, more to come
  • Weaverville Yoga- Refreshments and chai

The Town of Weaverville's Veterans Day Observance

Brigadier General Donnelly

The Town's Veterans Day observance was well attended as our community honored our men and women who serve our Country be they retired, active, or reserves.

Featured guest speaker, retired Brigadier General Edward P. Donnelly, following 40 years of service as an American soldier, General Donnelly moved to Asheville in 2017, where he lives with his best friend and spouse, retired Lt. General Kathleen Gainey. General Donnelly served in armor and mechanized infantry units in the Operational Army while stationed in the United States and Germany and deployed in combat or peace supported operations in the Middle East, Somalia, Caribbean, Balkans, Iraq, and Afghanistan. 

Reuter Center Singers

Weaverville Public Works Department is always ready to help, naturally our appreciation goes to those who also served.

Weaverville Community Center News

  • Please join us in the Community Center on Saturday, Dec 14th at 10am in the Albert Weaver Room for a Holiday Make + Take. This is a free crafting event hosted by Local Cloth.

  • Sign up now for the Red Cross Blood Drive at the Community Center, December 6th 10am – 3p Bonus: give blood at the Community Center on the 6th and receive two pairs of custom FRIENDS + Red Cross socks. Keep a pair, gift a pair and ask a friend to be there for patients, too. Sign up by visiting and entering Sponsor Code: Weaverville.

  • Please join us for the 2024 Weaverville Holiday Parade Saturday, December 7th. The Parade starts at 11am from the Post Office on N. Main Street. Heavy walking groups will begin to disembark at Weaverville Primary School, all floats will conclude at the Elementary School. To catch the entire parade, set up between the Post Office and the Primary School.

  • If your family or group is looking for a way to give back on Parade day, we are looking for help with lineup, disembarkation, and cleanup. Check out the volunteer opportunities here.

  • We are hiring. Whether you're looking to work outdoors, indoors, on a team, fairly independently, or in the best office in Town; we have positions open and we'd love to hear from qualified candidates. Position descriptions are here.

Weaverville December Meetings

  • December 3rd: Planning Board Meeting
  • December 4th: Tree Board Meeting
  • December 9th: Board of Adjustment Meeting

  • December 10th: Town Council Workshop & Organizational Meeting

  • December 16th: Town Council Meeting

For more information on these meetings click Here.

Town Elected Officials & Contact Information

Mayor & Town Council

Patrick Fitzsimmons, Mayor


Doug Jackson, Council member


John Chase, Vice Mayor


Michele Wood, Council member


Catherine Cordell, Council member


Peter McGuire, Council member


Dee Lawrence, Council member


Interim Town Manager Scottie Harris


Town Hall Physical Location:

30 South Main Street, Weaverville, NC

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 338, Weaverville, NC 28787


(828) 645-7116

Town Hall Business Hours:

8:30am - 5:00pm

Town Council Workshop:

2nd Tues. in Dec. at 6:00 p.m.

Town Council Meetings:

3rd Mon. in Dec. at 6:00 p.m.

30 South Main Street, Weaverville, NC

Town Council Agendas & Minutes



Calendar Of Events


Weaverville Town Hall

30 South Main Street, P.O. Box 338,

Weaverville, NC 28787

Phone: (828) 645-7116

Contact Our Team
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