Pocono Township Spring Cleanup - June 4-6
Pocono Township residents are invited to take part in this year's Spring Cleanup from Thursday, June 4 through Saturday, June 6. The cleanup will run 7:30 a.m. through 3:00 p.m. each day.

Please note the flyer below for specific information and details for each item accepted. Proof of Pocono Township residency is required.

For any further questions, please contact the Township office directly at 570-629-1922.

Commissioners Meeting May 18 & Ordinance Hearing
On May 18, 2020, the Pocono Township Board of Commissioners will hold their regularly scheduled public meeting and host a public hearing to consider the adoption of three ordinances:

  • Providing for the renaming of streets known as “To Fish Hill Road” to “Eleni’s Way”, “Pigeon Way” to “Learn Road” and a portion of “Learn Road” to “Fish Hill Road” in Pocono Township. 
  • Amending the code of ordinances of Pocono Township, Chapter 37, Planning Commission, to revise the number of members appointed to the planning commission and repealing all ordinances inconsistent therewith.
  • Amending the code of ordinances of Pocono Township, Chapter 425, Vehicles and traffic, Article 1, Speed Limits, Establishing maximum speed limits for motor vehicles on Bog Road and Back Mountain Road in Pocono Township, and for the posting of speed limit signs; adding a new Article IV, Traffic regulations, restricting truck traffic on Bog Road and Learn Road, and adding stop intersections; and providing for penalties; and repealing all ordinances inconsistent herewith. 

Due to COVID-19, the meeting will be held virtually via a public teleconference dial-in number. To access the meeting through your phone, Dial 408-418-9388 and enter Access Code 796 453 586 , followed by Password 762666 .

Upcoming Road Projects for Week of 5/18
The Township Road Crew will be replacing five stormwater pipes on Hillside Drive between Alpine Lake Road and SR 314. The work will be completed (weather-permitting) between Monday, 5/18 and Wednesday, 5/20.

Road closure will be in effect between 8:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. each day. Residents along Hillside Drive will still have access.
What is MS-4?
This is the first of several articles informing Pocono Township residents of the importance of MS-4 - shorthand for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System - and efforts to reduce pollutants in stormwater discharge throughout the Township.

A separate storm sewer system is a collection of structures, including retention basins, ditches, roadside inlets and underground pipes, designed to gather stormwater from built-up areas and discharge it, without treatment, into local streams. It’s called a separate system because it is not connected to the sanitary sewer system which drains wastewater from inside a home to a sewage treatment facility or private septic system.

Many rural developments have stormwater management structures, not only communities that the United States Census Bureau classifies as Urbanized Areas based on population density, are required to become part of the MS-4 program. Urbanized Areas contain plenty of commercial and residential development which produce large amounts of stormwater runoff. Large institutions, like college campuses and hospital complexes, are also part of the MS-4 program because they also contain the type of dense development that produces concentrated stormwater flows. Finally, PennDOT and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission are in the MS-4 program because of the many separate storm sewer systems they maintain along roads and highways.

Pennsylvania’s first two MS-4's were Pittsburgh and Philadelphia which have been in the program since the 1990’s. The state’s remaining MS-4’s, around 950 in 2018, started getting enrolled in the early 2000’s. The program is managed by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP), which fulfills this role to comply with federal mandates under the Clean Water Act. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has an oversight role because they are the federal agency charged with implementing the Clean Water Act.

The authorization that MS-4 communities get from PADEP to legally discharge stormwater into local streams is called a NPDES permit, which stands for National Pollution Discharge Elimination System. These particular NPDES permits are also commonly called MS-4 Permits. To meet the terms of the NPDES Permit, the Township needs to develop what is called a Stormwater Management Program (SWMP). Communities that discharge into any water that PADEP identifies as impaired are also required to develop a Pollutant Reduction Plan (PRP).

Because every MS-4 faces unique stormwater challenges, each management plan is unique. But every SWMP includes the same six focus areas that the EPA considers essential for success. These areas are called Minimum Control Measures (MCM) and include the following:

MCM #1 – Public Education and Outreach
MCM #2 – Public Participation and Involvement
MCM #3 – Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
MCM #4 – Construction Site Erosion Control
MCM #5 – Post Construction Stormwater Management
MCM #6 – Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping

Please stay tuned for further information as we unpack each of these areas in the near future. As always, if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Township Office directly.
Savvy Citizen - Community Calendar and Notification System

Please take a moment to sign up for Pocono Township's community notification system - Savvy Citizen. Get real-time updates of what's happening in your neighborhood by simply downloading the app or signing up online!

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Pocono Township
112 Township Drive
Tannersville, PA
Pocono Township | Website