Our Free Group Programs
Group Hypnotism and Reiki
Online and In-Person Options for Cancer Patients and Caregivers
Saturdays from 10 am to 11:30 am
First Saturday of each month, meets in person or online, at Countryside Church, 1025 N. Smith Street, Palatine Illinois. Contact Jadyn Chipman, (630) 654-5116 or jchipman@wellnesshouse.org to register.
Second Saturday of each month, meets online, sponsored by Little Company of Mary Hospital. Contact Donna Read at (708) 229-6015 or Donna.S.Reed@osfhealthcare.org to register.
Third Saturday of each month, meets online, sponsored by Wellness House of Hinsdale. Contact Jadyn Chipman,(630) 654-5116 or jchipman@wellnesshouse.org to register.