It's been an eventful summer here at ACRC, with fieldwork taking us to sites along the coast, in the forest, and on the ice. Undergraduates from UAS have been hard at work with us in the field and in the lab. They been collecting water samples for stream chemistry, analyzing data on ice movement in Suicide Basin, and studying the variability in shellfish toxins among different beach sites near Juneau. Visiting faculty, graduate students and post-docs from UAF, Florida State, Oregon State, the University of Idaho, and the University of Nebraska worked with ACRC affiliated researchers on projects ranging from soil science to aquatic ecology.

All of this exciting activity has been happening at the same time that the state and university leadership have struggled with proposed deep budget cuts. We are hopeful that ACRC can continue to thrive and remain an information resource for agencies, communities, and industry in Alaska, despite the economic forces buffeting us right now.

We look forward to the change of seasons and the beginning of a new academic year!

-ACRC Director Dr. Allison Bidlack
What's New
From the Field Blog

Hear from ACRC intern Connor Johnson on how how his research experience has helped him, and why undergraduate research opportunities are important.

Undergraduate intern Skye Hart spent her summer flying drones at Suicide Basin to map the surface of the ice. Read about her experience on the Field Blog.
Upcoming Events
SEPTEMBER 6 th , 11 A.M.
The Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy is hosting a webinar on drought in Southeast Alaska : Did Southeast Alaska drought conditions improve or worsen during the summer of 2019 and what will autumn/winter bring?
SEPTEMBER 13 th , 4 P.M.
Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, a world-renowned climate scientist and an award-winning communicator, will give a talk on “Combatting Climate Change Silence: Why folks don't talk about climate change and how to break the silence” at the UAS Egan Library.
SEPTEMBER 17 th -19 th
The Alaska Section of the American Water Resources Association will host the 2019 Annual Conference: Water Resources in a Changing Landscape in Juneau next month.
SEPTEMBER 23 rd -27 th
The Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (Tlingit & Haida) in partnership with the Craig Tribal Association will co-host this year’s annual Southeast Environmental Conference in Craig, Alaska.
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Alaska Coastal Rainforest Center | University of Alaska Southeast