The amenity survey was emailed to all Traditions residents who were signed up for the community-wide emails on March 17th, 2022. Surveys were accepted until the end of business on March 26th. During this time 344 surveys were received. The results were as follows:
Multiple Amenity Groups - 163 votes
GROUP ONE: Sports Court, Playscape Shade & Sand Volleyball Court - 101 votes
GROUP TWO: Sports Court, Playscape Shade & Pond Fountain - 36 votes
GROUP THREE: Playscape Shade, Sand Volleyball Court & Pond Fountain - 7 votes
GROUP FOUR: Sports Court, Sand Volleyball Court & Pond Fountain - 19 votes
Individual Amenity Selections - 146 votes
Residents who did not want to vote for one of the four groups of amenities above, but wanted to vote for only one or two individual amenities instead voted in this section of the survey.
INDIVIDUAL ONE: Sports Court - 60 votes
INDIVIDUAL TWO: Playscape Shade - 53 votes
INDIVIDUAL THREE: Sand Volleyball Court - 9 votes
INDIVIDUAL FOUR: Fountain for Pond - 24 votes
Do Not Want Any Additional Amenities At This Time - 35 votes
Now that we have received and compiled this information, which represents almost 70% of the total homes closed, management will meet with the HOA Board to confirm the plan for how we move forwards from here with funding/timing/etc. We will let you know as soon as we have a Board approved plan and a time frame.