Traditions at Vizcaya Monthly Newsletter
Stuart Tyrrell, Community Manager
Firstly, I wanted to thank the resident volunteers on the social committee for their efforts in planning and carrying out the four community events held so far in 2023 - Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, and Tuesday's July 4th event. I hope that the residents that attended these events enjoyed them and the opportunity to spend time with fellow Traditions residents.
As previously determined, combined with the recent survey results and also the feedback received in emails to management and the Board, the Board has not approved any additional events for 2023 at this time. The Board may re-evaluate this decision at some point in the future. Please feel free to continue to provide any feedback on this subject to me directly by email so it can be shared with the Board.

  • The current pool cleaning schedule is Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during the months that it is open. We receive photos of the pool once it has been cleaned, along with the chemical readings.

  • Currently two of the skimmers in the shallow end are not working, so the water is not circulating in that area as much as it should. An investigation by our pool company has determined that the pipe that goes from the skimmers to the filters has a crack in it, so the pipe is sucking air instead of the water from the pool. So they are scheduling for a specialized company to come in and locate the break in the pipe so it can be repaired/replaced and the skimmers working properly again. Hopefully the break is not under the concrete pool deck.

  • We request, especially during this time when two of the skimmers are broken, that all residents remember to take a shower before entering the pool. This is especially important for any residents who have been playing sand volleyball. We have been receiving reports of increased sand in the pool, and are wondering if this is related to our new sand volleyball court, either by the sand being blown into the pool, or it being brought in by residents after they play?

  • Unfortunately, all six pool umbrellas that were purchased this spring have been broken over the past three months, mainly due to being left in the up position when a resident is finished using them, and then a strong windstorm happening, that are a common occurrence here in the spring, and blowing over the umbrella and breaking their heads. These cannot be repaired, so the Board will decide whether to replace these umbrellas this year.

  • A reminder that no food or drink is allowed on the pool deck or in the pool. The full list of pool rules are posted at both gates, and we would ask that residents and their guests read them and abide by them.

The next Community Town Hall is now scheduled for Wednesday, September 20th at The Pavilion, starting at 6:00pm.
A reminder that the current posted hours for these two 'new' amenities are 7:00am to 10:00pm daily.
The sports court gates are locked before and after those hours and the lights for both courts do not have power after 10:00pm.
We have received reports of residents staying on the sports court after 10:00pm and continuing to play/make noise. We are requesting that residents be courteous to those residents who live in the vicinity of the courts and stop play/exit the courts at 10:00pm at the latest.
Also, we are requesting that residents who play sand volleyball early on the weekends to avoid the summer heat make every effort to keep the noise down between 7:00am and 9:00am as a courtesy to those residents who live adjacent to that court. We appreciate your cooperation.
This past week's community inspection resulted in the following 48 new violations being found and 'courtesy reminder' letters/emails being sent to the owners of those homes - Landscaping (30), Rubbish/Trash cans (12), Vehicle Parking (5) and Decorations (1).
  • The violation policy gives those owners who received the violation letters this week seven days to correct their violation.
  • If, after the seven days has passed, the next inspection shows that a violation has been corrected, then the violation is closed out in the owners file.
  • If the violation has not been corrected after the seven day window, then the next stage letter ,Stage 1, which is the first warning letter, is sent/emailed out to the owner.
  • If, after another seven days, the violation is still not corrected then a Stage 2 letter is sent/emailed which comes with a $25.00 fine which is placed on the owner's HOA account.
  • If, after another seven days a Stage 3 letter is required, due to the correction of the violation not being made, then it comes with a $50.00 fine.
  • If, after another seven days a Stage 4 letter is required, due to the correction to the violation not being made, then it comes with a $100 fine. This $100 weekly fine can be continued until the violation is corrected to the standard required.
Management does not want to be in the fine collection business, but our responsibility is to use whatever methods are available to obtain compliance with the rules to protect the appearance of the community for the benefit of all who live in Traditions.
If you have any questions about violations, with landscaping being the category with the most open violations, and what is expected of an owner as far as the appearance/maintenance of your yard, or any other subject, then please contact our Community Standards Coordinator, Valerie Cisneros, at
The early and extreme heat has put us in drought conditions. You may have to reevaluate care for your plant material if you want it to survive these unusually hot, but becoming more common, temperatures!

  • Make sure that your irrigation system is as efficient as possible to prevent wasting water.
  • Be certain to set the controller for correct time and day settings based on the City of Round Rock's current water restrictions.
  • Make sure to check every nozzle and head and adjust them for proper coverage.
  • Remember more frequent, shorter watering cycles on your watering days are much more efficient and they allow water to saturate the turf more and stops run off compared to one long cycle per zone.

  • Mulch your grass clippings if you can as that is best for your turf as it puts much needed nutrients back into the soil.
  • Increasing your mowing height, even just a small amount, will reduce water need and develop deeper roots.
  • Make sure your mower blades are always sharp, and try to never cut off more that 1/3 of the length of your grass blades in your lawn at a time.

  • If your trees need water, make sure to water the drip line of the trees as this is where the roots absorb water the best.
  • Running a slow drip house works wonders as it as it too will allow for better water depth.
  • If you have not gotten all of the dead wood out of your trees yet, now is the time.

  • Make sure to keep your plants mulched to help make better use of irrigation and rain water.
  • Because of water restrictions, you may have to use a watering can, bucket or hose if you do not have drip irrigation.

Brandon & Alexandria Patterson

2504 Capestrano Circle

Thank you for taking the time to make your landscape look its best and helping our Traditions community shine!

* The monthly winners receive a $50 Gift Card from one of our sponsors. Emerald Lawns or Urban Dirt.
Contact Us
Stuart Tyrrell
Community Manager

Valerie Cisneros
Community Standards Coordinator

Community Association Office
5000 Pietra Lane
Round Rock, Texas 78665
Traditions at Vizcaya is proudly and
professionally managed by