MPH Families,
We look forward to seeing the students on campus tomorrow!
Please take a moment to look over these maps for Arrival and Departure Information. The details below are also included in the Social Compact.
The earliest that students in grades K-12 may be on campus is 7:50 a.m.
Please do your best to arrive within these timeframes (we understand that some families have children in more than one division):

  • Pre-K students only | Rolling drop off beginning at 7:30 a.m. | Parents /guardians should park at the Center for Early Learning (CEL) and escort their child(ren) to the entrance
  • Lower School (K-grade 5) | 8:00-8:10 a.m. | Drop off at Phoenix entrance
  • Middle School students | 7:50 a.m. – 8:05 a.m. | Drop off at McNeil entrance
  • Upper School | 7:50 a.m. – 8:05 a.m. | Drop off at Phoenix entrance
  • Students must be dropped off on campus at their division’s designated entrances (not across the street in the church parking lot or along Jamesville Road)
  • Pre-K/CEL families should use only the lane and parking spaces in front of the CEL
  • Buses should use only the bus lane | Please do not drop off students in this lane, even if there are no buses present
  • Students who walk, ride bikes, or drive themselves should arrive according to the designated times and entrances above
  • PreK students only | Rolling pick-up anytime between 3:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. | Parents/guardians should park in the CEL parking lot and escort their child(ren) to the car
  • Lower School (K-grade 5) | 3:00-3:10 p.m. | Pick up at the gym entrance (across from the tennis courts), and use Poole Road exit
  • Lower School students who are not picked up by 3:15 p.m. go to Extended Day
  • Middle School students | 3:10-3:20 p.m. | Pick up at the gym entrance (across from the tennis courts), and use Poole Road exit
  • Middle School students who are not picked up by 3:25 p.m. go to After Hours
  • Upper School students | 3:15-3:25 p.m. | Pick up from the Phoenix entrance
  • As with arrivals, Pre-K/CEL families only should use the lane and parking spaces in front of the CEL
  • Buses only should use the bus lane | Please do not pick up students from this lane, even if there are no buses present
  • Students must be picked up on campus, not across the street in the church parking lot or along Jamesville Road
Thank you,
Amy Abdo, Matt Spear, and Fred Montas