Nov/Dec 2018
Trail Mail
Tell Ohio State Parks what you think of our trail! Surveys are delivered directly to Little Miami State Park management.

FLMSP Monthly Meeting
TONIGHT, Nov. 14
6:30 pm

Public Invited

Future meetings announced on our website
Safe Trails: Danger Lurks Beneath Leaves
By Erick Wikum
The arrival of cool, crisp, windy, fall weather is no reason to stop using the Little Miami River Scenic Trail, but it is reason to beware of hazards that can arise this time of year. The pleasant crunch of leaves beneath hiking boots, running shoes, roller blade wheels or bicycle tires can be exhilarating, but sticks or stones hidden under leaves can lead to twisted ankles, skinned knees or unexpected spills. Slippery conditions can occur when algae-covered portions of the trail become wet, or when moisture or puddles freeze. To stay safe amidst these potential dangers, follow these three safety tips.
  1. Check the weather, perhaps avoiding trail use when conditions are very cold and damp.
  2. Test the surface of the trail to gauge whether or not the trail is slippery for you.
  3. Be observant and, to the extent possible, choose a path that avoids leaves, sticks, rocks, puddles and other obstacles.
Friends of the Little Miami State Park (FLMSP) owns two vehicle-pulled, industrial-strength leaf blowers which it uses periodically to remove debris from the trail. If you would like to assist with this or other trail safety or maintenance tasks, visit the FLMSP volunteer page.

When using the trail during this season, stay on your two feet or two wheels; enjoy fall, but don’t fall!
Ensuring a Safe, Smooth Trail
ODNR started work in early November removing some trees very close to the trail before they damage the asphalt. Most bumps and horizontal cracks in our trail are caused by tree roots heaving and buckling the pavement. ODNR is focusing its efforts on removing trees in the trail's newly paved areas to protect and maintain a safe, smooth surface for years to come. They will also be removing a few trees at some of the intersections to improve visibility and safety.
We Dig Volunteers!
Recently FLMSP rented this piece of equipment to improve drainage along the trail. Here is Friends' volunteer Mike Dresch using it to dig a ditch to keep water off the trail in Maineville. He was assisted by fellow volunteer Bruce Cortright.
Passing Through to Where It's Warm
Tom McCray spotted this cyclist with trailer attached near Corwin, heading south. Curious, Tom stopped and asked where he was headed. “Somewhere warm,” he said, ultimately hoping to get to the Florida panhandle. Gregor Felean, who started in Stow, Ohio (between Akron and Cleveland), was following his dream of a long-distance bicycling trip before he got too old. He had turned 50 this year, and it was time. Piled high with gear, his trailer was topped with a small solar panel, and he enjoyed music on his radio as he rode. Tom gave him a few pieces of chocolate peanut butter Halloween candy, his favorite, as a small token of trail magic and wished him safe travels.
Windstorm Cleanup
High winds that blew through the area on Oct. 20 left lots of cleanup for our chainsaw crews—including this monster on the trail near Butterworth Farm south of Fosters.
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