October 2018
Trail Mail
Ft. Ancient Trail Relocation Complete
After being closed for about a week in the Ft. Ancient area, the trail is now open as Ohio DNR wraps up the construction projects there.  
Natural meandering of the Little Miami River was undercutting the trail in that area, making it unstable. Because the Little Miami is designated a Wild and Scenic River, the trail must yield to the river. A new trail bridge, two trail relocations and about a half mile of fresh pavement from near Ft. Ancient north to Rt. 350 completes the project. Grading and seeding has also been done to reestablish the grass on the berms and limit erosion. These activities are part of ODNR's plan to ensure long-term stability of the trail and its foundation.
It's Tree-Planting Time!
Here’s your opportunity to give something back to the park for all the hours of biking, hiking, walking, rollerblading, skiing, bird watching, and other activities we do on the trail, as well as help restore the biodiversity of the trail.
Upcoming Group Sessions:
Friday October 19th
Saturday October 20th
Sunday October 28th
Group work sessions start at 8:30 AM in Maineville where the trees are stored and grown. We will load up water, trees, and supplies there and drive to the trail. Most planting will be in the northern sections of the trail from the 3 mile marker to the 9 mile marker this year. We will target four hours of work each day, but any help (shorter or longer) would be appreciated.
No experience is necessary. We do have some tools but if you have shovels, picks, or mattocks, please bring them as the railroad bed can often be a challenge to dig!
For more information or to volunteer, please contact Rick Forrester at craseforrester@zoomtown.com. To volunteer for just an hour or two as an individual, please contact Rick to arrange a time.  
In the News: Kings Mills bridge gets funding; update on Peters Cartridge development. Stunning drone video of site. Dayton Daily News article

FLMSP Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, Nov. 14
6:30 pm

Public Invited
Trees of the Trail
Sunday October 21, 2pm: Take a walk along the Little Miami Scenic Trail with our Park Naturalist to experience the trees in their autumn splendor. Learn about this important ecological community and how it helps to protect the quality of the Little Miami River. Meet in the public parking lot at the Ft Ancient Scenic River Access on SR 350, adjacent to Morgan’s Canoe Livery.
Caution: Beaver Crossing
Be careful at the 25.5 mile marker as you may encounter corn stalks lying across the trail! After two years of soybeans in the field adjacent to the trail, the farmers planted corn and it’s just a short hop across the trail for busy beavers who apparently love corn on the cob!
Photos: (L) corn stalk debris; (R) Corn field as seen from Dirk Morgan's drone
Essential Links: Click below to learn more!