Find Updates on our Four Pillars of Strength
The 4 Pillars of FTR
Look for updates on our "Four Pillars" each month:  Exercise, Nutrition, Community Service, and Artistic Expression. Using these elements, FTR members grow strong. Comments? Suggestions? Contact newsletter editor Sarah Kappos at [email protected] 
Fitness:  Why the Circle up?
What makes FTR unique to other gyms?  To read the story, visit our trainer blog:

Here's an excerpt from a post about why we circle up in the gym,

 "I assumed that someone like him would be irritated by a puny woman such as myself.  Mind you, I'm not wimpy, ironically I am also a trainer so I am rarely intimidated.   It is my job to facilitate the "circle up" during class.  After the warm up we check in and just talk.
We talk about the underlying ideas we practice in the gym.  I tell my classes,

"It is so easy to come into the gym and judge each other.  We make assumptions based on how someone looks and how their bodies perform, when really there is a whole person in there and we can probably relate more than we think."

The 30 in 40 challenge ends February 9th and the t-shirts are worth their weight in gold!  Look for our next fitness challenge in March and keep that momentum going!!

Got a story?  Email our editor Sarah Kappos [email protected] .  
Creative Expression: Open Studio and Open Mic

Special Valentine making event February 11th!

Open Studio is free for members and $5 for guests Every Sunday from 2-4 p.m.

This Sunday February 11th come make Valentines! Join FTR in the studio and make a hand-made gift of the heart.  We will demo some clever valentines day tricks to help break out of the traditional red heart cut out of construction paper.  If you have your own idea, bring it!  The purpose of Open Studio is to gather, create and inspire!

FTR will host an Open Mic Night in collaboration with  7th street this Friday February 9th from 7-9 pm.  Residents at 7th street treatment center have been writing with Creative Expression Educator, Sarah Kappos and they are eager to share their work! 
Music. Poetry and Cash Prizes...this is an event not to be missed!
Check the Facebook event for more details:

Nutrition/Food To Recover: Taco Tuesday and Cooking 101 

So far in our 6 week cooking class, we have learned knife skills, flavor combinations and the basics of baking. We still have sauces and sauteeing, meats and marinades, and very veggie class to go! In the evaluations so far, people have stated that they took the class in order to learn how to better take care of themselves and to connect with other sober people doing something fun and healthy. This class is a hit!

Our FTR guest chef this month is long-time gym member, Steven Lop ez.
Who doesn't love tacos?  Come and get 'em! All FTR members are welcome, if you haven't attended a nutrition class yet, check it out.  Steven is funny, friendly and this class is sure to be a hit!
February 6th at 5:30 pm

Community Meal Prep  (as requested) NEW TIME
Sunday February 11th 12-1:30 p.m.

For recipes, pictures, and other foodie fun, visit the Food2Recover blog:  
Service: "Plarn?"
We all have a drawer full of those plastic grocery sacks, and they just accumulate making us feel slightly guilty.  Well, Rachel Santizo has put them to good use with a "Plarn Party." 
On Sunday February 4th, FTR partnered  with non-profit Bags to Beds to crochet grocery bags into mats for the homeless.  What a cool idea!  They met  at the new Maud's cafe  422A West 900 South.  The group included folks in treatment, U of U students and FTR members.  The conversations were meaningful and insightful.  It's amazing what happens when people join together in service.
Also, in a beautiful symbiosis, Maud's cafe employs some of the residents from the  VOA shelter next door!

To learn more about Bags to Beds and Mauds visit their Facebook pages:

. For questions about FTR's Community Service program,  contact:  Rachel Santizo @ 385-414-7174 or [email protected]

MISSION: FTR's mission is to provide people in recovery from drug and alcohol misuse with a safe place to connect through exercise, nutrition, creative expression and community service.

 789 W 1390 S Salt Lake City, UT 84104 | 801-410-8988 | [email protected] |
Special thanks to our Champion donors:
The George S. and Dolores D. Eccles Foundation
The Sorenson Legacy Foundation
The Lawrence T. and Janet T. Dee Foundation
Episcopal Diocese of Utah
Intermountain Healthcare
Val and Edith Green Foundation
Larry H. Miller Charities
Nicholas Zurn Scholarship Fund
Utah Medical Association
The Wheeler Foundation
United Way of Salt Lake
Zions Bank  
And to our Recovery Partners!
Acqua Recovery - Ascend Recovery  - Balance House - Brighton Recovery - Cold Creek Behavioral Health - The Haven - Odyssey House - Recovery Ways - Renaissance Ranch Treatment Centers - Turning Point - Salt Lake County Youth Services - Strong Hope/Salt Lake Behavioral Health