School of Education receives doctoral training grant from Department of Education
five-year grant - awarded to Prof.
Elizabeth Peña
- will allow the School of Education to develop a Special Education emphasis in its doctoral program.
Mark Warschauer to lead team on $4 million EIR grant
The U.S. Department of Education awarded a $4 million, five-year grant to
Prof. Warschauer
to study ways to improve the teaching of computational thinking to culturally and linguistically diverse students in U.S. public schools.
MAT alumna receives presidential award
Megan Smith (MAT, ’06) received the highest award given by the U.S. Government to K-12 math and science teachers - the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST).
WRITE Center celebrates launch
The Writing Research to Improve Teaching & Evaluation (WRITE) Center celebrated its official launch on October 24. Led by Prof.
Booth Olson
and funded by a $5 million grant from the
Institute of Educational Sciences, the Center seeks to provide national leadership and outreach activities to support the improvement of secondary writing research and practice. The Center welcomed
Steve Graham
, Arizona State University, to deliver a keynote lecture, as well as a panel of writing and language experts.
New publication offers blueprint for arts integration in diverse K-5 classrooms
In her new book,
Prof. Liane Brouillette
offers strategies, sample lesson plans, videos, and research to help teachers introduce students to a high-quality arts curriculum that enhances language arts, social studies and science skills.
Doctoral student receives Newkirk Fellowship
Third-year doctoral student
Jennifer Renick
received a fellowship from the UCI Newkirk Center for Science & Society. As part of the fellowship, Renick will work with the Orange County Environmental Justice organization.
Doctoral candidate
David Liu
shares his experiences meeting - and surpassing - the final hurdle: the dissertation defense.
Andrea Kristell Medrano
- a first-gen senior majoring in Education Sciences and Spanish - hopes to become an academic counselor in low-income communities.
Doctoral student presents learning activity at campus-wide workshops
Doctoral student
Jenny Woo
showcased her social-emotional learning activity,
52 Essential Conversations
, during the university's campus-wide Honors Program's New Student Orientation.
Recent publications by our faculty and graduate students
- Associate Professor Susanne Jaeggi: "Racing Dragons and Remembering Aliens: Benefits of Playing Number and Working Memory Games on Kindergarteners' Numerical Knowledge," in Developmental Science.
- Professor Sandra Simpkins (Co-authored with doctoral students Yangyang Liu, Ta-yang Hsieh, Gabriel Estrella): "Supporting Latino High School Students' Science Motivational Beliefs and Engagement: Examining the Unique and Collective Contributions of Family, Teachers, and Friends" in School Psychology.
Record number of students honored at MAT Scholarship Awards Ceremony
The Master of Arts in Teaching program recognized more than 50 candidates' accomplishments in academic achievement and community engagement.
SoCal educators attend School's Research-Based Strategies Workshop
More than 100 educators attended the first workshop in the UCI Writing Project's 2019-20 series, "Research-Based Strategies to Enhance Learning for All Students."
TEACH Academy board, students visit UCI
The TEACH Program, which helps high school students interested in teaching prepare for college, visited the UCI School of Education.
Roberto Gonzalez: "Lives Still in Limbo: (Un)DACAmented and Navigating Uncertain Futures"
In the UCI School of Education's inaugural Dean's Diversity and Inclusion Lecture, Award-winning author, UCI graduate and Harvard Professor
Roberto G. Gonzalez
explores how schooling impacts undocumented youth.
Associate Professor Lindsey Richland discusses children's reasoning and higher-order thinking
In a one-on-one interview,
and Dean Richard Arum discuss Richland's research on children's reasoning, higher order thinking, mathematical thinking, and executive function.
Associate Professor Hosun Kang discusses science education, teaching, and more
In a one-on-one interview,
Hosun Kang
and Dean Richard Arum discuss
science education, teaching, identities, and social justice.