As part of our services, we operate a 24-hour crisis hotline, with text option, and in February of 2018, we launched our new website which now has a web-chat feature. It was important to stay up to date with the ever-evolving technology and we now offer these three different methods of connecting with advocates.
Our Hotline Specialists, Deneen and Audya, are trained to provide immediate crisis intervention, and organize follow-up with clients who call, text, or chat our agency. Deneen and Audya receive all sorts of calls and chats between the hours of 8:00am and 4:00pm. Often, that phone call, text, or website chat is the first point of contact between a client and our agency.
Sometimes, individuals just need someone to listen to them, and validate their experiences. Other times, they need information, referrals or an advocate to accompany them to hearings, trials and more. Deneen and Audya can help our clients start the process of connecting with an advocate in person, by building trust and providing more information, which can make a client more likely to come to our office.
With the launch of our text & chat options, we offer new methods of communication that are more inclusive and can reach individuals who are unable to access a phone or are otherwise unable to call our hotline. Clients can also ask questions or respond on their own timeline and without the pressure of a phone call. The chat also allows our advocates to send direct links to referrals' websites or phone numbers that are just a click away for the clients.