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ISNL is intended for new and aspiring school nutrition program directors. The training is 30.5 hours, and the course content is divided over five days. Lessons provide an overview of school nutrition programs, define the role and responsibilities of a director, and review the relationship between local policies and State/Federal regulations.

Each session will be held at the Institute of Child Nutrition located at 97 Jeanette Phillips Drive, University, Mississippi. Each 4.5-day session will be held Monday through Thursday from 8:00a5:00p and on Friday from 8:00a12:00p Central Time. 

Three Sessions:

January 913, 2023 | March 1317, 2023 | June 1216, 2023

Register for One of Three Sessions Available



ICN is offering two modules for this new resource.

Customer Experience

1/19/233:00p4:30p Central Time

Part 1: Customer Experience Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT)

Learners will identify the primary and secondary customers and the importance of customer experience, as well as discuss ways to improve the customer experience in their program.

Weeks of 1/24/23, 1/31/23, and 2/7/23

Part 2: Engaging Discussion Questions

Learners will access the Institute of Child Nutrition’s iLearn portal to answer a series of Engaging Discussion Questions and respond to others’ posts.

2/16/233:00p4:00p Central Time

Part 3: Customer Experience Coffee Break

Learners will regroup for the Customer Experience Coffee Break to recap the VILT topics and to discuss changes in their customer experience since the VILT.

Register for Customer Experience Sessions


1/26/233:00p4:30p Central Time

Part 1: Marketing Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT)

Learners will identify the definition of marketing and discuss the four Ps of marketing (price, product, place, and promotion).

Weeks of 1/30/23, 2/6/23, and 2/13/23

Part 2: Engaging Discussion Questions

Learners will access the Institute of Child Nutrition’s iLearn portal to answer a series of Engaging Discussion Questions and respond to others’ posts.

2/23/233:00p4:00p Central Time

Part 3: Marketing Coffee Break

Learners will regroup for the Marketing Coffee Break to recap the VILT topics and to discuss changes in their marketing since the VILT.

Register for Marketing Sessions

Writing a HACCP-Based Food Safety Plan for Schools Workshop

Face-to-Face Training at the Institute of Child Nutrition

March 2123, 2023

The goal of this 2.5-day workshop is for participants to take a detailed draft of a school-specific, HACCP-based food safety plan back to their SNPs. The workshop begins with a basic overview of HACCP principles and food safety. Next, it details how to design a school-specific, HACCP-based food safety plan. Participants will be provided with interactive templates and sample documents to help with development. They will have the opportunity to complete these templates for their SNPs during the workshop. The workshop will be held at the Institute of Child Nutrition located at 97 Jeanette Phillips Drive, University, Mississippi.

Space is limited, so please only enroll if you know you will be able to attend.

More info available on the registration link.

Register for Writing HACCP Training

VILT Sessions Available

Do you need to wrap up some professional development before the end of the year? 

ICN has the answer for you! There are still a few openings in November and December for a large variety of topics, so register now!

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Phone: 800.321.3054 | Fax: 800.321.3061

This project was funded using U.S. Department of Agriculture grant funds. The USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.

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© 2022, Institute of Child Nutrition, The University of Mississippi, School of Applied Sciences