September 15, 2022
"Without data,
you're just another person
with an opinion."

W. Edwards Deming
Data Scientist

CMS Discontinuing the Use of Certificates of Medical Necessity and Durable Medical Equipment Information Forms
Goal is to Increase Efficiency and Reduce Burden
for Clinicians, DME Suppliers, and Beneficiaries

As part of its ongoing efforts to increase access to care and to reduce unnecessary administrative burden for stakeholders, CMS will be discontinuing the use of certificates of medical necessity (CMNs) and durable medical equipment (DME) information forms (DIFs) for claims with dates of service on or after January 1, 2023.

The objective is to enable frontline clinicians to focus on providing direct care and streamlines the coverage process for suppliers.

For more information, see MLN Matters Article SE22002 (PDF).

What is IHSS?

In-Home Support Services (IHSS) lets you direct and manage the attendants who provide your personal care, homemaker and health maintenance services, with the added support of an agency. Through IHSS, you are empowered to select, train and manage attendants of your choice to best fit your unique needs or you may delegate these responsibilities to an Authorized Representative.

IHSS is available in the following Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waivers:
Children's Home and Community Based Services (CHCBS) waiver
Complementary and Integrative Health (CIH) waiver
Elderly, Blind, and Disabled (EBD) waiver

How does my agency become certified as an IHSS Agency?

Visit the Health Facilities Licensure Certification and Registration website to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to become certified.

For more information, read the June 2022 FAQ

Improved IHSS RN Oversight
Laura Neill ~
(720) 762-3611


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Non-medical Class B Part 7 Regulations
Administrator/Manager Training

An in-depth look at Part 7 Non-medical/Personal Care standards,
Offering guidance in all components to Understand the requirements for:

Governing body and Manager,
Homemaker Training,
Personal Care Worker,
PCW Training,
Personal care limitations,
Training, competency and skills validation documentation,
Supervisor of Homemakers and Personal Care Workers,
Supervision of Homemakers and Personal Care Workers,
Telehealth supervisory visits,
Annual organization review,
Quality Management Program

Certificate program with Instructor access
Two (2) CEUs after the successful completion of the competency exam,
Resources supplement with sample policies, sample job descriptions and more included.

Basic 8
Certificate Program
w/ Instructor Access
Class A and Class B

Basic 8-hour Administrator Training is foundational -- it's THE overview of Licensure standards that leads the way for all other course topics and regulations.

Since its original conception in 2009, this course has expanded to cover the knowledge base of what home care is and what it entails as an Administrator or Manager. Today’s home care landscape places a significant amount of responsibility on the Administrator/Manager. 

The Administrator is largely responsible for ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of home care consumers who receive care in their temporary or permanent home or place of residence.

The Administrator/manager has day-to-day operational responsibility with day-to-day oversight of other managers and supervisors. This means positive consumer outcomes depend on the quality of care delivered by the synergy of all individuals in the agency working together -- and complies with all legal, regulatory and contractual obligations. The Alternate Administrator must be able to assume the Administrator’s functions in his or her extended absence. Therefore, the Alternate Administrator must meet the same requirements as the Administrator.

Basic 8-hour Administrator Training is foundational -- it's THE overview of Licensure standards that leads the way for all other course topics and regulations.

Includes introductory guidance for:
Changes in 2022 licensure with background and history,
Health Department oversight, inspections and enforcement,
Provider types and distinctions.

Resources with audit tools and tips,
Bonus Guides with sample policies, forms, and resources for further reading,

Administrative P&P Training

  • Class A Skilled Home Health Licensure Policies and Procedures
  • Class B Non-medical Personal Care Licensure Policies and Procedures


  • P&P for Existing Non-medical HCA w/HCBS EBD and IHSS
  • P&P for Existing HCA without HCBS EBD or IHSS
  • P&P for Existing Non-medical HCA w/o IHSS


  • Homemaker and Personal Care Worker Competencies
  • Certified Nurse Aide Competencies ~ (303) 548-4310 ~
Thank you for reading!