Database of Patterns & Sources Count

19,225 patterns, 1,148 sources now available in the Database Patterns and Sources.

December eNews 2024

Dear Transferware Enthusiasts:
We're pleased to send you this edition of our eNewsletter to give you the latest club news informing you of up-coming club activities and interesting new content on our web site and our Facebook page. We welcome your comments, suggestions, and input; email the TCC Web Content Administrator
Visit our Website
Become a Member

It's time to renew your membership for 2025!

Dear TCC Members,

We wanted to remind you that your membership in the Transferware Collectors Club will expire on December 31, 2024. We value your membership and encourage you to renew now by simply clicking on this link: renew my membership.

Important Information: We’ve developed a new program to provide improved services to our members. Please know that the next time you log into the TCC website or the Database of Patterns and Sources, you will be asked to create a new password, unless you have already done so. Your existing password will no longer be valid! Use your email to sign in. To create your password now, please click on the following link: create my new password.

Donations Welcome! When you renew your membership, please consider making a tax deductible donation to support our club’s educational mission. Your contributions ensure that member benefits like the Database of Patterns and Sources, the Bulletin, Annual Meetings, the Transferware Worldwide Lecture Series, and our many other online activities continue to provide the information and enjoyment you seek. It's easy, you can donate when you renew your membership!



Shown is an eight inch tile from Wedgwood’s Months. The pattern is “December”. For TCC members, this is pattern #3455 (on a six inch tile without a border) and pattern #17209 (on a ten inch plate). All of the Months, created by the artist Helen Miles, are found in the TCC Database. View larger image. See past Patterns of the Month.

Thanks to Judie Siddall for preparing the "Pattern of the Month."


Compliments of the Season!

This charming cup and saucer perfectly express our holiday sentiments to all our members and followers! Printed in brown with added colors, the robin, yule log and holly berries and leaves make for a colorful pattern. It is possible that the cup and saucer were intended as a giveaway to store customers during the holiday season. The maker is unknown. It is Pattern # 13406 in the TCC Database of Patterns and Sources.

Remember that membership renewals are due January 1st and please consider including the Transferware Collectors Club in your end-of-year giving.

Thanks to Scott Hanson for preparing the "Puzzle of the Month."

Go to the Puzzle. See past Puzzles of the Month.


Philadelphia Exhibition 1876

Memorial Hall was the subject of Prattware (polychrome) transferware plates and pot lids printed specifically for the 1876 Philadelphia Exhibition likely as souvenirs. Seen here are examples of each, as well as a recent view of the subject building (one of few remaining to this day). Memorial Hall currently houses the Please Touch Museum, for children, of course. The exhibition site is now Fairmount Park. For more information, view Database patterns 6098 (plate) and 20316 (lid). See larger image. See past Photos of the Month.

Thanks to David Hoexter for preparing the "Photo of the Month."


The Aesthetic Movement Comes to America: Art for Art’s Sake and the House Beautiful Introduced at the 1876 Philadelphia Exposition

A reprise of Adrienne Bogg's wonderful presentation exploring of the stylistic elements of Aesthetic transferware in "The Aesthetic Movement Comes to America: Art for Art’s Sake and the House Beautiful Introduced at the 1876 Philadelphia Exposition." Adrienne shared this fascinating look at the Aesthetic Movement and its expression on British transferware at our in-person annual meeting in Philadelphia in April. It was very well received, and we then asked her to share it with a wider group of our members at the October virtual meeting. Watch video.


A Transferware Blog by Judie Siddall


I saw this small mug at an antiques fair many years ago. I liked the horse, but liked the text, "Present from New York," even more. Read more.


Recorder News: Sorry to See You Go

Dick Henrywood has produced the final Recorder News. Authored and prepared bimonthly for eight years, Recorder News has provided us with a vast array of information related to transferware. With input from subscribers (there was never a charge to subscribe), Dick covered a wide range of topics, including new discoveries, auction results, and background information on pattern sources and makers, always supplemented with superb images. Information contributed by readers also supplemented Dick’s research for his recent publications of the six-volume Transferware Recorder, which can be purchased directed at, or by contacting him by email: To celebrate the completion of fifty issues, and as a contribution to the festive season, he is offering subscribers the chance to buy copies of The Transferware Recorder for just five pounds each, plus shipping. Dick has assembled a final index covering all 50 issues of Recorder News. To the view the Recorder News complete index click here. The TCC will continue to host all 50 past issues on our website.

In closing, we wish to thank Dick for his many decades of warm friendship and his contributions to the transferware world, including numerous articles, Henrywoods’ Highlights (which preceded Recorder News), publications, lectures, and responses to collectors’ and researchers’ inquiries. We anticipate his continued contributions, no matter what the format.

Recorder News: November 2024

"To celebrate our longevity we have prepared a bumper issue with several platters, a very rare frog mug, special order wares, British and Middle Eastern views, another large display jug, a popular sheet chintz pattern by at least four different makers, a note about numbered patterns, a profusion of interesting marks, source prints and much more". Read more.


The English Ceramic Circle

7th December 2024 at 6pm, (Zoom)

‘Horace Elliot (1851-1938) – Artist in Pottery’, Jonathan Gray

Check their website for links and more information.

TCC's Transferware Worldwide Lecture Series

Thursday, January 16, 2025 1PM EST

A Staffordshire View of Philadelphia

Speaker: Pat Halfpenny, Curator Emerita, Ceramics & Glass, Winterthur Museum

Plate printed with a view of  The Bank of the UNITED STATES Philadelphia

Joseph Stubbs, c.1820

Pat Halfpenny, Curator Emeritus of Ceramics and Glass, Winterthur Museum and Gardens, will discusse the scenes of Philadelphia found on printed pottery and the Staffordshire manufacturers who produced them. While the focus will be on the dark blue prints of the 1820s, there will be reference to later Romantic Staffordshire with Philadelphia themes, concluding with a brief look at polychrome printed pieces.

Virtual via Zoom

Join the Zoom Meeting. Members, please check your email in early January for the Zoom link to this lecture. Non-members are also welcome to view future Transferware Worldwide lectures: simply provide your email address to receive the Zoom links and news and information about future TCC programming.


TCC Bulletin Latest Issue: 2024 Vol. XXV No. 2

Our latest issue is in the mail and members should be receiving their copies soon. The Bulletin is on our website and is free to members and the sample article from this issue which is free to anyone is: An Exceptionally Unusual Leaf Border by David Hoexter.

The TCC Bulletin Index -- incorporating listings of articles from the Fall 1999 issue through to the most recent issue. A rich resource! Search Index.

The Bulletin editors are seeking contributions for the upcoming bulletin. Contacts: Dan Sousa: or David Hoexter:

Transferware Collectors Club (TCC) Bulletin writers guidelines: Download writers guidelines

2024 Vol. XXV No. 2


Stoke-on-Trent Archives move to the potteries museum. It covers the reading room. Watch Video

See other films and videos available on the website.


#6 - What’s in a Word: Vocabulary Discoveries from Transfer-Printed Advertising Ware by David Hoexter

Often related to medicinal products, these words offer the 21st century observer a chance to impress friends, business associates, doctors (not surprisingly, many of the words are medical in origin), and others in our everyday life. Read this article.

Where do Patterns come from? or Who decided Delaware looked like this? by Pat Halfpenny

It is admittedly a random assortment of printed pottery but it isn’t what is on the front, but what is on the back of many of them, that provides some insight into the subject. Read this article.


Swansea Commemorative Pottery by Helen Hallesy

Politics Reform Royalty Wars

The focus of the book is on a relatively small group of wares produced at the Swansea potteries in South Wales, generally classed as ‘commemoratives’, sometimes documentary, certainly historical. More info.

True Blue editor Gaye Blake Roberts

For all who own British antique blue-printed pottery, this book is essential reading. With over 1,000 illustrations (including 12 pages in full colour), each giving full details of maker (where known) and year of manufacture, et cetera, it provides readers with the opportunity to identify their favorite pieces. More info.


The British Antique Bottle Forum

The forum has been established since 2007 & has been a friendly community for the hobby of digging, buying, swapping & collecting antique bottles, pots & related items. Since then they have teamed up with the Australian Antique Bottle Forum & become "Sister" forums working together to support & publicize the hobby. They hold quarterly competitions for members to enter, galleries for members to show off their collections, historical articles related to bottles & companies plus much more. New to the hobby? There are always friendly experienced members on hand to help you identify your finds. Visit the site.

The Caughley Society

The Caughley Society was formed in 1999 ~ for those with an interest in fine eighteenth century Shropshire porcelain. Its aims are to educate the public in the subject of Caughley porcelains, to promote research and study in all matters relating to Caughley porcelain and to disseminate the useful knowledge gained for the public benefit. Visit the site.

Find more of the informative resources we've compiled here.


The online membership directory is a feature of our new program to improve members services. You must sign in to your account to view and search the directory. Please check your listing and make the appropriate changes in your account or transmit any corrections to the Member Chair. This list is for use of Transferware Collectors Club members only. It is intended to facilitate contacts between members. The list is not to be used for commercial purposes. If you are a current member and believe your name should be on this list please contact the Member Chair. View the directory.


No classifieds at this time.

Please contact us if you are interested in placing a classified ad

with an emphasis on transferware.


There are no auctions listed at this time.

Please contact us if you know of an auction with an emphasis on transferware.


Please contact us if you have recommendations of

newly published transferware books.


Has Your Postal Mailing Address Changed?????

If you have moved but are not receiving your quarterly TCC Bulletin, you probably forgot to notify our member chair of your new address (this applies to email address changes also). The bulletin is mailed “bulk” and is not forwarded to new addresses by the USPS. Please notify the member chair directly: or make the necessary changes to your account online.



We are now accepting simple classified (not display) advertisements from TCC member transferware dealers as well as non-dealer members and auction houses. There is no charge for this member service. Following are the criteria:  

  • Limited to three quality images of item(s) for sale or example(s) of an item(s) you wish to purchase.
  • Include a very short description paragraph, including a link to your website and/or email address.
  • Dealers must be TCC members, limited to once/year maximum.
  • Requests will be processed in the order received, and there is no guarantee as to when your ad will be posted.
  • The TCC Web Administrator at his/her discretion has the right to reject inappropriate or inadequate submittals.


The Database Needs Editors 

Do you love a good mystery? Do you fancy yourself to be a Sherlock Holmes or Miss Marple? If your answer is "yes", then you are the perfect candidate to join the ranks of TCC Database Detectives! Download more information.  

New Database Discoveries

Articles Needed 

Please contact the web administrator with suggestions or contributions of future Database Discoveries articles. See Database Discoveries archives. 

Contributions Needed for Bulletin  

Bulletin editor Richard Halliday is seeking contributions for the upcoming bulletin.



Looking for anyone with a passion for the beauty and history of transferware who would like to help record lovely old patterns for a worldwide audience. The Database of Patterns and Sources is maintained by a team of the nicest people you'd ever want to meet. You could be one of them! We're currently looking for editors in Romantic patterns, Literature and Performing Arts, and Tiles, but let us know your interests and we can find a spot for you. Contact Len at for more information!


The TCC Bulletin editor seeks submittals to future editions, particularly from first time or occasional authors. We have an extremely knowledgeable member base, yet many of our members seldom or never share their knowledge, at least in printed form. Now is your chance. Bulletin submittals do not need to be extremely technical or lengthy. They just need to be interesting and relate to British transferware! And they need to be accompanied by quality images. We would especially welcome articles from our growing number of archaeologist members.

Don’t fret if you have little experience. We will be pleased to work with you, to formulate your concept and bring your article along. Simply send us your ideas, if that is where you are, or text, even in preliminary form, if you are further along. Please submit in MS Word format, and separately, images in png, pdf or jpeg format. Please do NOT convert to PDF. Don’t worry if this is a problem for you; we’ll work with you to bring your article from preliminary to final, printed, stage, no matter your level of computer and word processes experience. Download the Guidelines.

Suggested topics: 

  1. Your favorite transferware piece, either your own or displayed elsewhere (why is it your favorite?, how did you acquire it?, what is the pattern, maker if known?). 
  2. What is your favorite place to view transferware: museum? stately home? Historic or archaeological site?
  3. Tell (and show) us your own collection (really good pictures required).
  4. New discoveries.
  5. Archaeological sites: overall summary of the excavation as relates to transferware; discuss a particular pattern or piece; context/importance of the transferware.
  6. In-depth research of a pattern, series, maker.


Dan Sousa, Interim TCC Bulletin Editor:

David Hoexter, Co-Editor:

Michael Sack, Co-Editor:

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