Highland Presbyterian Church​ seeks to be a diverse and inclusive Christian Community as we embody the love and forgiveness of Jesus by serving the Community and the World, drawing people to Christ.

Highland Happening

February 9th, 2024

Worship this Sunday

Join us for worship this Sunday, February 11th for Transfiguration Sunday, the last Sunday before Lent. We will hear the story of when Jesus took a few of his disciples up a mountain and his appearance changed right in front of their eyes. This story marks a turning point in the Gospels and we always hear this story before Lent begins. 

Our children will also sing and play music in worship this Sunday so make sure you come out for a wonderful Sunday!

Potluck Lunch

February 18th

Next Sunday, February 18th we will have a potluck lunch following worship in the Fellowship Hall. This is our makeup date from when we were supposed to have a potluck that had to be canceled due to snow. Let the hospitality committee know if you would like to bring anything.

Watch the service live on our Facebook page at 10:30 am.

Bulletin (PDF)
Bulletin (Word)

Free Little Neighborhood Item of the Week

Our Free Little Neighborhood Item of the week is canned meat. Next time you’re at the grocery store, please pick up canned meat so we can continue to help our neighbors.

New Church Online System

Opt-In with Email

Last year Highland signed up for a new online system, Breeze, to track our members, giving, and more.  We are now confident in this system and can begin sharing with church members for you to sign up for an account so that you can access an online directory, keep track of your own giving, and get other information from the church as well.  We would like for you to ‘opt-in’ as to maintain as much sensitivity around your online privacy.  There will be a sign-up list in the sanctuary for you to put your name and email and you will receive an email link to sign up.  If you have any questions, reach out to Pastor Matthew. 

Youth Singing in Local Concert

Mountain Voices Honor Choir 

Two of our church children, Ethan Lloyd and Matia Lee will sing in the Mountain Voices Honor Choir in their concert on Tuesday, February 27 at East Maryville Baptist Church at 6:30 p.m.  If you are able to attend that day, please do so!

Presbytery Civil Rights Trip 

February 23-25, 2024

The Racial Justice Task Force of the Presbytery of East Tennessee along with Emmanuel Presbyterian and Westminster Presbyterian are excited to share the plans to go to Atlanta, GA the weekend of February 23-25, 2024.

We plan to visit historical sites and museums that focus on the Civil Rights Movements of the 1950’s and 60’s and the historical figures who fought for equal rights. We will charter a bus that will leave from Knoxville on Friday the 23rd and stop along the way to pick up people who want to join. We will stay in an Atlanta hotel and the bus will take us to visit the National Center for Civil and Human RightsThe Apex Museum, and the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical ParkThe cost is $175 per person which will include the cost of the bus, hotel, and museum tickets. Do not let cost be the reason you can’t attend. Financial assistance can be made available. Meals will need to be purchased on your own throughout the trip. We hope this trip will allow us to learn from our history and see how racial divides and disharmony repeat themselves often in our current world.

Please feel free to reach to Barbara AdamcikDoris Thomas, Matthew Benz Whittington, or Meredith Loftis, with any questions.

A registration link is now live and you can register for the trip here.

Alcoa Blount County NAACP Freedom Fund Gala 

Tuesday, February 20, 2024, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Airport Hilton

Alcoa Blount County NAACP's 5th annual Freedom Fund Gala is a joyful celebration of the past year's accomplishments as well as a call toward "Thriving Together," this year's theme. This year’s gala is on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Airport Hilton.  Tickets are $50. All proceeds fund scholarships awarded to outstanding minority high school seniors in Blount County, who are honored at the event.  Highland has committed to sponsoring two tables (that's 20 tickets) this year, so please purchase your tickets soon!   Martha Vargas will bring tickets to church this week, or you can contact Martha directly at 865-599-4583,  [email protected]

Lent Devotional Study 

The Desert of Compassion 

Join Pastor Matthew this Lent as we read through The Desert of Compassion, a weekly devotional that will guide us through this season leading to Easter. In these daily devotions for the Lenten journey, author Rachel M. Srubas draws on her life and learnings as a contemplative pastor, spiritual director, and desert dweller. Written in language both relatable and reverent, The Desert of Compassion provides daily Lenten sustenance inspired by sacred Scripture, present-day teachings, and personal experience.

We will gather on Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. on Zoom starting February 27th (skipping Feb. 20 for the NAACP Gala) and Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. in the church parlor starting February 21st

Books can be purchased for $20 and will be available in the sanctuary soon. Read an excerpt by following this link.

Dinner at UKirk UT

Wednesday, February 21st

Highland is signed up to provide dinner for the Presbyterian Campus Ministry at UT on Wednesday, February 21st at 7:00 pm. We will provide a sandwich bar and if you would like to sign up to donate or bring items for the dinner, please follow this link. Thank you so much for supporting this wonderful ministry! 

Happy Highlanders

Tuesday, February 20th

Join the Happy Highlanders, our older adult ministry, for our monthly gathering on Tuesday, February 20th at 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.  Bring a lunch and we will plan out our adventures for 2024.

Prayers, Concerns and Joys

Please pray for our members, families, and friends.

We lift-up prayers for those among our community who are shut in. Be with them as they are separated in body from their loved ones.

Elan Lloyd’s Friend - Elan lifts up prayer for a former coworker, David, who passed away and leaves behind a wife and two children. 

Ivan Colwell’s Grandmother- Ivan requests prayers for his grandmother, Linda, who recently had a detached retina and had successful surgery to repair it. Prayers for a quick healing. 

Margaret Remp Surgery- Margaret had successful knee replacement surgery and is recovering well at home. Prayers for a quick recovery.

Ukraine- Let us continue to keep the people of Ukraine in our prayers as the war there continues on well past a year. 

Homeless- Let us pray for those who do not have a warm place to stay and give thanks for places that have opened their doors to provide safety during cold weather. 

Palestine and Israel - Prayers for peace and reconciliation as the war between Palestine and Israel continues.

February Birthdays

Jake Day - Feb. 04

Millie Sieber - Feb. 05

Beverly Green - Feb. 05

Martin Walker - Feb. 07

Sandy Miller - Feb. 09

Brandon Burgess - Feb. 12

Willie Tymon - Feb. 12

Ella White - Feb. 21

Matt Brunger - Feb. 26

Katie Burgess - Feb. 28

If there are any announcements that you would like to include in the Highland Happening, please email [email protected] by noon the Wednesday prior to the Highland Happening going out.

Click the button above to visit our online giving page. It only take a few minutes to set up an account and you can schedule automatic payments to keep up with your pledge.

Visit the new calendar page on the Highland website to stay up to date with what is happening in the life of the church.  

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