Build a Healthier, Leaner You!

Take the 90 Day Challenge with me!

I'm excited to introduce to you the NuSkin/Pharmanex breakthrough weight management and body shaping system: Ageloc TR90.


Ageloc TR90 is a clinically proven system of products that unifies your mind and body -- for a healthier, more youthful you!


Using the advancements of the highly innovative genetic expression science, NuSkin's scientists have designed a system that provides a healthy and safe approach to weight management with a program that will help you achieve and maintain your desired goals.

With Ageloc TR90, you can achieve these kinds of results:
  • Significant decrease in body weight related to fat loss (in both males and females)
  • Lose fat but maintain muscle
  • Increase your metabolism
  • Reduced cravings
  • Decrease in hunger

This is about more than a number on a scale-- it's about redefining your body composition! 

TR90 Weight Loss Trial Results
TR90 Weight Loss Trial Results
Ageloc TR90 
  • Four proprietary nutritional products
  • A science-based eating plan
  • Lifestyle suggestions
Reset your body's youthful balance and see the beginnings of success in just 15 days.

Money Back Guarantee


We are so confident in AgeLOC TR90 that if you don't see an improvement in your healthy weight management after 90 days we will refund your money.



$100 credit

Take the Challenge With Me!


Sign up by October 14th, 2013 to try Ageloc TR90 with me and get $100 credit for any NuSkin/Pharmanex products that I have in inventory.


Call 203.301.4109 now to get started and get FREE products!



Lisa Nastu

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Limited Time Offer: Expires after October 14, 2013