Transformational Times

Words of Hope, Character & Resilience from our Virtual Community

Friday, June 16, 2023

In This Issue:

Director's Corner


Poetry Corner

Daddy's Little Girl, by Michael Esson

Share a poem with us!

If you were a baseball player, what would be your "walk up" song?

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Answers from last week: What's your favorite summer adventure or activity that always makes you feel rejuvenated?

  • Walks on the beach, concerts, hanging out with family/friends.

  • Kayaking on a warm sunny day. - Vicki Rydell

  • One of my favorite activities is visiting my neighborhood Urban Ecology Center and then taking a walk on the Hank Aaron Trail.

  • Exploring WI State Parks. Some favorites: Willow River, Amnicon Falls, Pattison, Devil's Lake, and Copper Falls.

  • This response is for both the summer activity prompt and the previous rhubarb origins prompt: We have rhubarb in our garden that originated in my husband's great grandmother's garden. I've always loved making rhubarb cobbler with it each summer - it appeals to my creative side and feels like a connection to my family and to the earth. Then I get to eat it. :) -Mara Pheister, MD
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Director's Corner

Journeys to parenthood

By Adina Kalet, MD, MPH

As another holiday celebrating parents approaches, Dr. Kalet shares her very personal, circuitous, and challenging journey toward parenthood. Statistics suggest the challenges she and her husband faced are shared by many other physicians …



I always assumed I would have at least two children. My husband and I wanted a family and cherish our close sibling relationships. At 32, after completing residency and fellowship, and having started my first clinical job, I got pregnant easily. The pregnancy was uneventful, even fun at times, although I eventually needed a Caesarean section after 30 hours of labor for “failure to progress.” Even though our first child had neonatal jaundice and needed to stay in the hospital for a few days, we all went home happy and healthy.  

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Pediatricians offer reflections on parenting

Parents often seek more from pediatricians than medical advice. Reassurance, practical wisdom, and empowerment are important, too. Transformational Times Copy Editor Karen Herzog asked two MCW faculty pediatricians for their single best parenting advice, and culled a few gems from famous pediatrician authors, including one bit of wisdom for pediatricians…

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Musings on parenting, leadership, and following

By Jeff Frtiz, PhD

Dr. Fritz shares his thoughts and struggles exploring connections between parenting, leadership, and following…


I recently found myself reflecting on leading as an extension of parenting or maybe it’s the other way around. I wondered if it might help explain why some of us bristle at the idea of being followers, and why those who are natural followers may be vulnerable to narcissistic leaders.

Maybe... leadership and following is about the circle of life, and what feeds us emotionally.

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What gives us purpose: recognizing our inner fires 

By Lizzie Hovis, MD

An assistant professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine at MCW reflects on the importance of recognizing our inner embers and how this practice can deepen our connections not only as physicians to patients but as humans to humans...


Throughout human history, fire has served as a powerful symbol of illumination, transformation, and destruction. Spiritual texts across time and denominations place great import on tending our inner fires. Philosophers, too, have long recognized fire as a central element informing the natural world. Fire’s role is vast; spanning from the sun around which our planet circles down to each person’s inner fire warming, animating, and guiding us through the darkest of times.

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Transformative Leadership Training in Medical Education

Dafna Meitar, Daniel Marom, Penelope Lusk & Adina Kalet, MD MPH

The Enhancing Life Research Laboratory: Tools for Addressing Orientational Distress in the Medical Profession

Guenter Thomas, ThM, PhD, PhD, Sara Bigger, MA, Jenny Kim, Marie Kim, John D. Yoon, MD, and William Schweiker, MDiv, PhD

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Daddy's Little Girl

By Michael Esson

Daddy, where do babies come from?

“Babies are miracles; mysterious, just like you, baby. They come from a land known to us all, but forever cursed to never remember.”

Daddy, what is that on your arms and legs?

“It’s called a scar, baby. There’s one for all the times I slipped and fell into love’s everlasting allure.”

Daddy, what do doctors do when they get sick?

“Doctors say sacred spells and prepare potions in proportions to care for and cure the sick, baby. But there’s one rule: they can never use their powers on themselves.”

Daddy, do you want to be rich and famous?

“Bounties of booties may sparkle and shine, baby, but nothing rivals my precious jewel, - you!”

Daddy, why do you talk so differently?

“That’s my father’s tongue, baby; it’s as foreign as he is, but that’s all I’m left with. Without it, I wouldn’t know who I am.”

Daddy, why do you hug me so tight?

 “Covered under the warm glow of my dark skin, baby, I want you to feel all the love my father couldn’t feel for me.”

Daddy, is God real?

“The moment I laid eyes on you, the heavens opened to the thunderous triumphs of trumpets; an angel descended and majestically announced your name, Ohemaa! God is as real as you are.”

Daddy, I think I’ve fallen in love!

“Joy rains as love reigns. But what’s a heart that doesn’t ache… if not pain.”

D- d- da- daddy…

“Words wane as heartbreak reigns. But what’s a heart that doesn’t break… if not pain.”

Daddy, why do birds sing?

“If I knew, you would be the first person I would tell.”

Daddy! Daddy! Why is the sky blue?

“If I knew, it would be the first secret I keep withheld.”



Michael Esson is a medical student in the MCW-Milwaukee Class of 2025.

Submit a Poem for Next Week


Humanities in Medicine event

Visual and Performing Artist Submissions:

Humanities in Medicine is presented by Froedtert Hospital’s Departments of Spiritual Services and Behavioral Health

Friday, September 8, 2023

5:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Froedtert Hospital Clinical Cancer Center

1st Floor - Helfaer Mezzanine

We are looking for Froedtert Health and MCW staff, physicians and patients to share their visual and performing art at our next Humanities in Medicine event. Some examples of the creative works we would like to include: drawing & painting, mixed media, fiber art, photography, poetry, spoken word, dancing, music, singing and acting.

More Info
Register Now
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The Transformational Times publishes weekly, delivering stories of hope, character and resilience to our virtual community.

Jeff Fritz, PhDEditor-in-Chief

Editorial Board: Bruce Campbell, MDKathlyn Fletcher, MD, Adina Kalet, MD, Wendy Peltier, MD, Karen Herzog, Justine Espisito, Julia Bosco, Linda Nwumeh, Wolf Pulsiano, Sophie Voss, & Emelyn Zaworski

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