Every organization has a culture or a set of expectations and values that inform its direction.

While an organization's culture may be strongly influenced by its mission and value statements, it is often the group dynamics within that organization that bear the greatest influence on the culture.

Whether positive or negative, the behavior, attitudes and satisfaction of each group member contribute to the overall sense of an organization's culture.

Group dynamics influence such things as the pace at which work gets done, how outsiders are treated, the attention paid to details, or the risks that the group takes. Productivity, teamwork, and effective communication all lie within the confines of the group dynamic.

The Everything DiSC® is often used to get a sense of the group culture within an organization. The information provided helps organizations identify the qualities and behaviors of the group, thus providing an objective platform for analysis, refinement, and improvement of an organization's culture.

Take a look at a Sample Group Culture Report to see how the Everything DiSC® informs leaders and managers regarding their group culture.