Walt Whitman once said I contain multitudes and I would venture to add that we all contain multitudes. (I myself eat about 62 shrimp a day!) As we transition from one year to the next, may we celebrate our multitudes by paying homage to a home that relished in the transitional.
Built in the early Twentieth Century by Dublin-born architect Louis duPuget-Millar, the home on 714 Prospect Boulevard is a narrative journey of one century’s style merging with its predecessor. The distinctly Anglophile cottage exterior (a duPuget-Millar signature) makes way for an interior whose decidedly craftsman design choices hint at the what would become de rigeur in the Prospect Park neighborhood. Notice the openness of the rooms, the geometric simplicity, the traditional woodwork that feels inexplicably hewn for the American Dream — a brick and mortar testament to the blink-and-you’ll- miss-it beauty of our own evolving multitudinousness (see above re: 62 shrimp).