Service Learning Institute Newsletter
SLI Transitions: Well Wishes & Welcome Aboard!
Richard Connell
2020-2021 AmeriCorps VIP
SL2 Program Coordinator
Lesly Morales
2021-2022 AmeriCorps VIP
SL2 Program Coordinator
SLI's Service Learning Student Leadership (SL2) program is supported by an outstanding AmeriCorps VIP member each year, and July 2021 marks the end of Richard Conell's service to SLI as the 2020-21 SL2 Program Coordinator. Richard, based in Pasadena, began his work as an SL2 or "Square" back in August of 2018, working closely with Seaside Middle School. After graduating with a degree in Environmental Studies from CSUMB, he became an AmeriCorps VIP assigned to help support the SL2 program as a whole. Richard's plans post-AmeriCorps include traveling and continuing his education. Join us in wishing him well - his next organization will be lucky to have him!

For the 2021-22 academic year, SLI welcomes Lesly Morales as our new AmeriCorps VIP coordinator. Lesly, like Richard, is a CSUMB graduate and a past SL2. You may recognize Lesly from our 24th Annual Spotlight on Service event where she was recognized for her outstanding work with Youth NOW. After receiving her B.A. in Human Communications, Lesly decided to stay on board with SLI because she wants to promote social justice and advocate for higher education in low-income communities. Luckily for us, she "looks forward to supporting her team in her work to come." Let's all welcome Lesly as she transitions into her new role as our VIP Coordinator!

Read more about Lesly and Richard's service learning journeys as they reflect on the program and hopes for the future in a transitional interview.
Community Partner Updates
Hester Parker
Incoming Interim AmeriCorps Director
Laura Lee Lienk
Outgoing Interim AmeriCorps Director
AmeriCorps VIPs Complete a Year of Service
Eight wonderful AmeriCorps VIP (Volunteer Infrastructure Program) members will be finishing up a year of service on July 30, 2021. This crew of eight recruited, trained, supported, and supervised volunteers for their host agencies while simultaneously building infrastructure for their assigned volunteer programs. This past year was truly challenging as the VIPs worked remotely and spent more hours in front of a computer than they ever have before. Thankfully due to the possibilities of the vaccine, the cohort was able to get out and serve hands-on at the following sites: Dorothy's Kitchen, the Veteran's Transition Center, the Foodbank, and with United Way. 

Congratulations to the following AmeriCorps VIPs who have completed 1700 hours of service for our community 

Holly Massey - Veteran's Transition Center
Richard Conell - SL Student Leader Program
Lindsey Ochoa - Return of the Natives Restoration Education Project
Mariam Alao - International School of Monterey (3 yrs.)
Evens Lanot - Loaves, Fishes & Computers
Antonia Jardines - Dorothy's Place
Jennifer Han - United Way Monterey County
Liz Sampson - Food Bank for Monterey County (2 yrs)

In addition, please join us in welcoming Environmental Science Faculty Hester Parker, who will serve as Interim AmeriCorps Director for CSUMB during the 2021-22 academic year. We are especially grateful to Hester's willingness to step in as Interim as we transition from the excellent leadership provided by Laura Lee Lienk, who retired from SLI this month.
United Way's 11th Annual Stuff the Bus Project
For the past eleven years, the annual "Stuff the Bus" project has provided new school supplies to K-12 students living in homeless or impoverished conditions throughout Monterey County. The project, administered by United Way Monterey County and the Monterey County Office of Education has set to ease the financial burden brought upon by the forthcoming school year for such families. New grade-appropriate school supplies like notebooks, pens, erasers, and calculators are stuffed into backpacks and distributed amongst local schools and districts. 

We can proudly say our AmeriCorps VIPs have been part of this huge hands-on effort for the past six years. VIPs Jennifer Han and Lindsey Ochoa were the first of their cohort to participate in a June 5, 2021 pilot event at the King City Fairgrounds. The pair will be accompanied by the rest of their team on July 23, 2021, at the Monterey County Office of Education to organize and sort items for 4,100 backpacks that will go out for the next day's distribution. “Stuffing the Bus” is one of the many ways the CSUMB AmeriCorps VIPs “get things done for our community”.

Get involved - we all can serve! If you would like to support the Stuff the Bus project, read more about how you can get involved on their website.
Service Learning Opportunities
Partners: Build Capacity! - Students: Work with SLI!